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Showing posts with label fluency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fluency. Show all posts

A Few Thoughts About Fluency

Fluency is a big buzzword these days. 

I've seen it used for reading stories, decoding, and even math facts!

A Few Thoughts About Fluency: After extensive training on helping children read, we've narrowed fluency down to these 4 parts.

Since I attended my second session of the LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) training a few weeks ago, I've thought a lot about reading fluency.

A Few Thoughts About Fluency and a Freebie: After extensive training on helping children read, we've narrowed fluency down to these 4 parts.
LETRS training was one of the best PD training ever!

Studies indicate a direct relation between fluency and comprehension.

No surprises there, it makes sense that struggling readers would struggle with comprehension.  If they have a hard time figuring out the words, it's not very likely they will put together the meaning easily.

The experts define reading fluency with 4 phrases:

1. automaticity in word recognition
2. accurate word recognition
3. rate (speed) of reading
4. prosody, or expression

So, how do we build fluency?

A Few Thoughts About Fluency: After extensive training on helping children read, we've narrowed fluency down to these 4 parts.

Practice both phonetic patterns as well as sight words. Feel free to download my short a/ long a practice freebie by clicking the graphic above or click here: Vowel Word Work Freebie (You'll need to sign up for my emails, which means you'll get plenty more freebies!)

Practice reading phrases and sentences a few words at a time. (Phrasing)

Practice reading simple paragraphs with expression.  

Oral Reading with a partner.  (using text of appropriate difficulty... "just right" text! 95 - 100% accuracy) 

Monitored Independent Reading
A Few Thoughts About Fluency and a Freebie: After extensive training on helping children read, we've narrowed fluency down to these 4 parts.

This full resource has all 5 vowel patterns: long and short vowels, with real words as well as nonsense words. Vowel Word Work: Word Sort and Fluency Practice

What do you do to build fluency?

A Few Thoughts About Fluency and a Freebie: After extensive training on helping children read, we've narrowed fluency down to these 4 parts.

Developing Writing Fluency

I was struggling with my Writer's Workshop time, thinking about how I had children with fantastic ideas, yet their writing wasn't flowing. 

I knew they had it in them, but I was struggling to get them past that hesitation... the fear of it not being "just right". A lot of writer's workshop time is being wasted because their writing isn't fluent. 

Developing Writing Fluency: Do your students have great ideas, but struggle to write down those ideas? A writing warm up might help!

After much thought, I remembered a writing exercise I'd done in the past at seminars and training on writing. I also thought about how I believe in a need for a warm-up in all areas... reading, math, even singing, and sports! 

I've used discussion as well as graphic organizers for a writing warm-up. Although these definitely have value, they didn't quite do the trick, so I made these booklets. They use these booklets and write anything they can think of for two minutes. The only rules: No erasing and they have to keep the pencil moving. If they can't think of anything, they simply write "I can't think of anything". The purpose is to get the thoughts flowing from their brain, through their fingers, onto the paper.

Developing Writing Fluency: Do your students have great ideas, but struggle to write down those ideas? A writing warm up might help!

Here's a bonus: we have been finding that these booklets are helping the children come up with new ideas for writing!

See here: Writer's Workshop Warm-Up Booklet or explore the image to download the resource (it's a Dollar Deal!)  or design your own booklet!

I've been noticing a difference in their writing fluency!

Developing Writing Fluency: Do your students have great ideas, but struggle to write down those ideas? A writing warm up might help!

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