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Three Purposes for Boom Learning Digital Task Cards

Children (and teachers) absolutely LOVE Boom Learning Digital Task Cards.

Did you realize there are different ways to use them?

Three Purposes for Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Did you realize there are different ways to use these digital cards? Here are three ways. Can you think of more?

1. Skills Practice

Three Purposes for Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Did you realize there are different ways to use these digital cards? Here are three ways. Can you think of more?

Skills practice is probably the most popular use of Boom Learning cards. Since Boom Cards can be used on tablets, phones, laptops, or desktops, it's easy to just send a link for the children to practice their skills at home, during center time, or for independent work. 

I've made some little videos so you can see the Boom Cards in action:

This first video is an example of part of my fact fluency system. There are 8 different levels for the children to master, and two review levels. 

This is Level 1 Addition and Subtraction:  the +1 families

(This one is a freebie!)

Here's an example of the multiplication and division fact fluency system:

Level 5 Multiplication and Division the X9 families

2. Assessment

Three Purposes for Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Did you realize there are different ways to use these digital cards? Here are three ways. Can you think of more?

Assessment is a great use of the Boom Cards as well! With a paid membership to Boom Learning, teachers can see the records of everything their students have done while on Boom Learning. They can see which questions students got right or wrong, how long the student took on that question, and a record of how many times the student has used that deck. It's a wealth of information about the students, and it's amazingly easy to use!

The above fact fluency decks can be used for assessment as well as practice. I watch the scores of the children, and when they are close to 100% accuracy, we have a celebration and they move on to the next level. 

Assessment can have several purposes within itself! A teacher might want to assess students before a lesson or unit, in order to see what the students know. 

This one will let you know what your students know about figurative language.

Figurative Language Boom Learning Digital Task Cards


A teacher might want to do a personality assessment at the beginning of the school year, then again at various points through the year to see how the student grows and changes. Plus, they love talking (writing) about themselves!

Who Am I? Get to Know Your Students Boom Learning Task Cards

Here's a way to assess what your students know about germs!

Germs: Viruses and Bacteria Boom Learning Task Cards

 3. Exploration and Enrichment

Three Purposes for Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Did you realize there are different ways to use these digital cards? Here are three ways. Can you think of more?

Enrichment and Exploration are my favorite purpose for Boom Learning cards! These cards are perfect for the students who have mastered the basic information and are ready to learn more. They can be assigned a deck on a topic they're not familiar with, and explore. The best part? They can do the same deck over and over, and their responses should become more and more accurate! (Teachers can keep an eye on this, and if they're not becoming more accurate, a conversation needs to take place with this student, of course!)

There are plenty of this type of Boom Learning decks. Here are a couple:

 Famous Black Americans: Who Said This?

I have a whole series of Social Studies and Science vocabulary builders. Check out this video of  

City, Country, or Candy

I have plenty more Boom Learning decks, which you can find HERE.

How do you use your Boom cards? 

Do you have other purposes for them?

Three Purposes for Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Did you realize there are different ways to use these digital cards? Here are three ways. Can you think of more?

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