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Seven Ways to Brain Fitness for Kids!

The brain is the most important organ in the body, isn't it?
I've been fascinated by the brain. 

I read all I can about how the brain learns, and how to take care of your brain. 

Seven Ways to Brain Fitness for Kids! Keeping the brain in good shape is essential, and here are seven ways to do just that!

Of course, I share information about the brain with my students!

Here are some ways I teach the kids to keep their brains fit:

Seven Ways to Brain Fitness for Kids! Keeping the brain in good shape is essential, and here are seven ways to do just that!
1. Exercise!  Get the oxygen to the brain! We often do exercises and brain breaks in the classroom. (I'm sure you've heard of Go Noodle! If not, go straight to this link for FREE brain breaks that the kiddos LOVE!)

 2. Eat Brain Food!  I bring in some healthy snacks for the kids. My school encourages healthy snacks, but once in a while I'll bring in my own! (Usually not fish or spinach, but often some carrots and berries!)

3. Ease stress!  These kids certainly understand what stress is! We sometimes do some Yoga moves and breathing exercises, and sometimes they just have quiet time where they think about nothing! Research proves we need to give them time to clear the brain in order for the brain to take in new information. Plus, the children absolutely love Yoga!

4. Listen to Music!  I've got a wide variety of music to play in the classroom, from "party" music, to mellow music for concentration. It doesn't have to be classical music! Find something appropriate for the occasion.

5. Laugh! I recently posted Laughter is Truly the Best Medicine, and listed some of the benefits of humor in the classroom. I have a whole box of joke books that I often bring out on April Fool's Day, although they are good any time of year. I'm a big believer in making sure people get their daily dose of "Vitamin L!"

6. Drink water!  Water is essential for brain function! I can't emphasize this enough. (It's important for the rest of the body, too!)

7. Keep challenging your brain!  I'll have a variety of puzzles and riddles for the children to choose from. I'm a big fan of Sudoku, so I often have a few of those for the kids. I also found a couple of cool websites: ABCya Tangram Puzzles has tangrams that can be done on the computer.  Puzzle Choice has tons of puzzles for kids and adults- go to Kid's Choice for lots of possibilities for printing as well as puzzles for the computer.  

How do you keep your students exercising their brains?

Seven Ways to Brain Fitness for Kids! Keeping the brain in good shape is essential, and here are seven ways to do just that!

Opinion Writing Organization

 Kids have opinions, and they're actually pretty good at sharing these opinions, giving reasons for their opinions, and sometimes even getting their way! 

Opinion Writing Organization: Kids have plenty of opinions! This blog post suggests a few ways to help children share their opinions with evidence.

They need help getting these opinions written down in an organized manner. I have this resource to help them out with this!

Opinion Writing Organization: Kids have plenty of opinions! This blog post suggests a few ways to help children share their opinions with evidence.

I made up this graphic organizer, along with a couple of samples.  There are a million topics they can use to share their opinions, such as "favorite color, brothers: good or bad, favorite after-school activity, to name a few. See this resource here: Opinion Writing Organization

I always believe that children need to talk before they write, so I'd share my samples, and enhance each time to make the story more interesting.

Quite often, before they even start to organize their story, I have them practice orally with each other what they'll be writing. It truly does help the writing flow more smoothly!

Opinion Writing Organization: Kids have plenty of opinions! This blog post suggests a few ways to help children share their opinions with evidence.

Golfing for Tens

I found a child's golf set at the local dollar store, and decided it would be great for a math game! Here's how it worked!I found a child's golf set at the local dollar store, and decided it would be great for a math game! Here's how it worked!

Thursday I had 3 doctor's appointments.  Not 1, not 2, but 3. (I'm fine, just happened to schedule them on the same day!) I also went to the dentist on Tuesday and had my flu shot on Wednesday, so I should be all set for a while!

Since 2 of the 3 doctors are a half hour away, I was looking to fill time between appointments, so I went into the local dollar store.

I found a child's golf set at the local dollar store, and decided it would be great for a math game! Here's how it worked!I found a child's golf set at the local dollar store, and decided it would be great for a math game! Here's how it worked!I'm always looking for cute ideas for school in the dollar store. I'm either looking for organizational ideas or game ideas.  As I was browsing through the toy section, I saw the perfect game for my sports themed classroom:  golf sets!
I found a child's golf set at the local dollar store, and decided it would be great for a math game! Here's how it worked!I was planning the math game I was going to make while standing in line to make my purchase. (Do all teachers do this sort of thing when they take a day for doctors appointments?)

I found a child's golf set at the local dollar store, and decided it would be great for a math game! Here's how it worked!We've been working with addition of single digit numbers in our new math pilot program:  enVisions. The math part was so easy, I wanted to bump it up to adding tens. I figured they could work in teams, working on adding tens. I set up 3 lines, each a foot apart, and decided they could and take a few shots from different level.

As you might have guessed, the kids loved it! They were even good about working quietly while the other groups did their "sitting down" work, which is not easy for adults, never mind second graders! However, they knew they'd lose the privilege, so they worked hard to golf quietly!

The only problem? Those plastic golf balls were so light, the kids had trouble aiming them. Therefore, hardly any balls went into the cup, so they didn't get much practicing adding up points. I'm going to bring in real golf balls tomorrow, and I'm sure the extra weight will help them have more real "adding tens" practice. In the meantime, it was a great lesson in adding zeroes, and the kids really enjoyed it!

See the picture or HERE for your "golfing for tens" resource. I'm sure they have the golf sets in the toy section of most dollar stores!  

 Enjoy your golfing!

I found a child's golf set at the local dollar store, and decided it would be great for a math game! Here's how it worked!

I found a child's golf set at the local dollar store, and decided it would be great for a math game! Here's how it worked!


Sentences, With a Halloween Twist

My students have been learning the four kinds of sentences. 

Sentences, With a Halloween Twist! Here's a chance for your students to practice several skills including reading with expression, sentence types, fantasy vs realistic, and complete sentence vs sentence fragment. Perfect literacy and Halloween fun for grades 1-3!

They're getting pretty good at naming the 4 kinds (Statement, Question, Command, Exclamation) and can easily identify that they all should begin with a capital and end with punctuation. 

However, when I say a sentence (or when they read one) they're still working at figuring out what kind of sentence it is. So I decided to take matters into my own hands, in a fun way, with a Halloween Twist!

Sentences, With a Halloween Twist! Here's a chance for your students to practice several skills including reading with expression, sentence types, fantasy vs realistic, and complete sentence vs sentence fragment. Perfect literacy and Halloween fun for grades 1-3!

I made this activity with lots of sentences of each kind.  Of course, each of the sentences has something to do with Halloween!  I used mostly Dolch words, but I added some of their favorite Halloween words.  (They always remember those, don't they?)

I made some sorting cards, with reminders of each kind of sentence, along with 28 sentences.  I also added a few other activities to do with the same sentences, based on the Common Core for grades 2 and 3 including realistic or fantasy and complete sentence or sentence fragment. I think they're going to love it!  

Here's a little movie to give you an idea how it's used!

The children will be having so much fun, they won't even realize they're practicing important reading and sentence skills!

Sentences, With a Halloween Twist! Here's a chance for your students to practice several skills including reading with expression, sentence types, fantasy vs realistic, and complete sentence vs sentence fragment. Perfect literacy and Halloween fun for grades 1-3!

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