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A New Year? A New Opportunity!

It's a new year!

It's a chance for a whole new outlook!

It's the time of year when people make new goals and resolutions—it's time for a fresh start!

A New Year? A New Opportunity! Here are some ideas for making the brand new year even better with the class you've been teaching this school year!

Many schools have been out for close to a couple of weeks. 

We all know that the children have been "checked out" for a lot longer than that. 

That means it's a good time to review and introduce new procedures. You may have noticed that their behavior at centers has been a bit "iffy." You may have noticed they're no longer lining up quietly. You may have noticed their use of computers and devices is no longer careful. This is a good time to review all these procedures. Here are some ideas on re-introducing procedures.

Tips for Teaching Procedures: Here are three tips to help set expectations for procedures at the beginning of the school year!

I make this promise at the beginning of every school year. It's also not a bad one to introduce at the beginning of the new year! 

My First Day of School Promise: Ever since I can remember, I've made this promise to my students on the first day of school. It's a win-win!

Resolutions! Are they worth it, or just a set-up for future failure? That's a philosophical question I have no intention of answering, but a resolution to be happy is a good one. It's do-able, and can be shared with your students! (Plus, these are research-based ways to be happy, AND, there's a freebie attached!)

15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy?  Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!

After a nice break and rethinking procedures and behaviors, they'll be ready to learn again! Some of your students might not have been ready for some of these resources when they first arrived in your classroom, but I'll bet they're stronger readers, writers, and thinkers and are more than ready to learn now!

Here are a couple of things they might be ready for now that they couldn't handle earlier in the year:

Here are a few more resources your students might enjoy for the month of January:

January Resources
January Resources: books, videos, and resources for teachers for the month of January including winter, science, social studies, and Martin Luther King Jr.

How are you handling this new opportunity of a brand new year?

A New Year? A New Opportunity! Here are some ideas for making the brand new year even better with the class you've been teaching this school year!

Why Drama Matters: 20 Ways Plays Benefit Elementary Students

Getting students to work with other students can be a challenge!

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students

They usually have a couple of friends they are comfortable with, but it's awkward when they need to work with someone else. 

Things become less awkward when they work together for a common goal. How can we get them working together while continuing to teach the curriculum?

Starting the day with Morning Meeting, along with Team Building games is a great way to start! However, one of my favorite ways to get children working together is by putting on plays!

Research shows that including dramatics and theater in the learning environment enhances many important life skills. Here are 20 of them!

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Students learn new words in context, improving their vocabulary. 

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Performing in front of their peers helps students gain confidence and reduce stage fright.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Working together in a play fosters teamwork and collaboration skills.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Students explore their imagination through character development and storytelling.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Students must listen to cues and instruction, honing their listening abilities.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Script reading allows students to practice reading fluently with expression.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Taking on different roles encourages empathy as students see the world through other perspectives.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Understanding the story and characters reinforces comprehension skills.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Acting and reacting on stage improves social interaction and communication.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Memorizing lines and cues enhance memory and recall abilities.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Plays often require creative solutions and quick thinking.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Staying in character and following the story requires focus.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Movement and gestures during dramatics improve coordination.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Many plays introduce students to different cultures and histories.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Speaking in front of others develops clarity and expressive language.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Acting can help students identify, express, and manage emotions.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Plays allow for various roles so all students can participate.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Drama gives students a constructive way to express themselves.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Regular practice helps students speak confidently in front of others.

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students
Plays and dramatics bring excitement and joy to learning, making concepts more engaging.

What to use for resources? Well, I have several Reader’s Theater resources here: Reader's Theater Resources
And I’m working on more! And I’ll be glad to honor your requests! (Just email me at elementarymatters@gmail.com with your ideas!)

Check out these blog posts for more information about dramatics in the classroom and team-building activities:

How do you get your students to work together?

Why Drama Matters: 20 ways plays benefit elementary students

Celebrate Winter Holidays!

The holidays are coming fast!

As teachers, we want to have fun with our students during this very special time of year, yet we want to respect their individual beliefs and, of course, continue the important learning!

As teachers, we want to have fun with our students during this very special time of year, yet we want to respect their individual beliefs and, of course, continue the important learning!

There are a whole lot of holidays celebrated in the winter! Here are ten of them:
St. Lucia Day
Las Posadas
Winter Solstice
Boxing Day
New Year's Eve
Chinese New Year

I like to discuss each holiday and its meaning. Better yet, they can read about these holidays!

This resource provides a kid-friendly explanation of each of the above 10 holidays. It is available in color or black and white for easier printing.

As teachers, we want to have fun with our students during this very special time of year, yet we want to respect their individual beliefs and, of course, continue the important learning!

Plus, after they learn about the holidays, they can perform the included readers' theater! What a great way to practice important reading and speaking skills, learn about winter holidays, and have some fun!

As teachers, we want to have fun with our students during this very special time of year, yet we want to respect their individual beliefs and, of course, continue the important learning!

Plus, there's a song that can be used as a "grand finale!"
As teachers, we want to have fun with our students during this very special time of year, yet we want to respect their individual beliefs and, of course, continue the important learning!

You can also grab this Winter Holidays Readers Theater for FREE by signing up for my weekly newsletter HERE!

Want a digital resource that covers these same holidays? Grab this resource that's available on the Boom Learning platform:
As teachers, we want to have fun with our students during this very special time of year, yet we want to respect their individual beliefs and, of course, continue the important learning!

How do you celebrate the winter holidays with your students?

As teachers, we want to have fun with our students during this very special time of year, yet we want to respect their individual beliefs and, of course, continue the important learning!

Follow your passions!

My dad was a high school football coach and the town's physical education director. He was an amazing man who taught many things to many people. 

Most of all, he taught me the importance of being passionate about some things.

Everyone needs to be passionate about something! These passions and hobbies help us through life. How many of these passions do your students have?

Everyone needs to be passionate about something. Having passions and hobbies benefit us in many ways:

  1. Stress Relief: Engaging in activities you love helps relieve stress and provides a mental break from daily responsibilities. Hobbies like painting, gardening, or playing sports can be calming and therapeutic.
  2. Personal Growth: Hobbies allow you to learn new skills, challenge yourself, and grow as an individual. They can also build self-confidence as you achieve milestones or improve at something.
  3. Creativity and Expression: Passions give people an outlet to express their creativity. Whether it's through music, art, or crafting, they provide a way to communicate emotions and ideas that might be difficult to express otherwise.
  4. Sense of Purpose and Fulfillment: Being passionate about something gives you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It helps you feel accomplished and motivates you to pursue personal goals.
  5. Improved Mental Health: Many studies show that people who actively engage in hobbies and passions are more likely to experience higher levels of happiness and mental well-being. Hobbies provide joy, distraction, and a sense of achievement.

Many of us are passionate about many things! It's lovely when one of our passions is also our chosen career, but in most cases, our passions won't pay the bills. As teachers, we are probably passionate about teaching. (Why else would we do it?) But I'll bet most of us aren't passionate about everything to do with the job. Plus, I'm sure there are plenty of other passions among us. 

Our students need to develop passions and hobbies for the exact same reasons. I'm sure you're already seeing some of these passions appearing in your classroom!

We all know those kids who are passionate about sports:

Everyone needs to be passionate about something! These passions and hobbies help us through life. How many of these passions do your students have?

Not only are many little ones participating in many of these sports, but many also enjoy watching them! Despite my dad being a football coach, I've never been a big football fan, but I sure do love watching the Red Sox!

If you have any sports fans in your classroom, try some of these sports-related skill-building games: 
I'm pretty sure you know which kids in your class are passionate about visual arts!

Everyone needs to be passionate about something! These passions and hobbies help us through life. How many of these passions do your students have?

There may be a few who haven't figured out what they're passionate about yet. As teachers (and parents), it's up to us to expose them to many things so they can begin to develop their own passions.

The performing arts are my personal passion! I'm a big musical theater fan and love a good song and dance! Yes, I can sing, act, and even tap dance!

Everyone needs to be passionate about something! These passions and hobbies help us through life. How many of these passions do your students have?

Many students, particularly some of the shy ones, seem to come alive when performing! These kiddos really benefit from group songs, reader's theater, and presenting research or sharing in front of the class.

Who doesn't love exercise? 

Everyone needs to be passionate about something! These passions and hobbies help us through life. How many of these passions do your students have?

Even though I'm not athletic, I love many forms of exercise, and I'm sure your students do, too!

As teachers, we hope your students develop a passion for reading, but this isn't always true. 

Everyone needs to be passionate about something! These passions and hobbies help us through life. How many of these passions do your students have?

We can help them learn to enjoy reading by directing them toward different kinds of reading. 

Writing can also be a passion for many people. (As a blogger, you probably know that I'm a fan of writing!))

Everyone needs to be passionate about something! These passions and hobbies help us through life. How many of these passions do your students have?
Sometimes just offering a different kind of writing helps them learn to enjoy writing!  

If you're looking for more ideas for writing in the classroom, try some of these:

I'll bet you know plenty of people with a passion for cooking!
Everyone needs to be passionate about something! These passions and hobbies help us through life. How many of these passions do your students have?

Although cooking isn't typically part of the classroom curriculum, it's a wonderful experience for many children in so many ways! For one thing, most recipes include math and reading directions. Plus, it's a life skill! Cooking has its own reward: you get to eat what you make!

There are many rewards in gardening. My dad (the football coach) often came home from coaching a game and would find solace in his garden.

Everyone needs to be passionate about something! These passions and hobbies help us through life. How many of these passions do your students have?

Children LOVE gardening; some of those little ones have "green thumbs!" Growing a garden can be very educational and bring great joy.

Most kids LOVE animals. I think I've had one or two students who were passionate about horses in every class I've had. My sister was one of these, and we both went to horseback riding lessons frequently. To this day, she still owns horses.

Everyone needs to be passionate about something! These passions and hobbies help us through life. How many of these passions do your students have?

After a couple of months of school, you can probably name the pets of most of your students, right?

Who doesn't love nature? There are several benefits to being outside in nature, including improved mental health, improved memory, improved sleep, and even boosting Vitamin D levels!

Everyone needs to be passionate about something! These passions and hobbies help us through life. How many of these passions do your students have?

Here are a couple of articles about the benefits of nature:

In other words, get those kiddos outside! 

In case you're interested, here are a couple of posts I've written about my dad:

Everyone needs to be passionate about something! These passions and hobbies help us through life. How many of these passions do your students have?

Everyone needs to be passionate about something! These passions and hobbies help us through life. How many of these passions do your students have?

I'm sure you recognize many of your students in the passions and hobbies I've listed, but I hope you also recognize some of your own passions. Plus, these lists are only the beginning!

What are your passions?

Everyone needs to be passionate about something! These passions and hobbies help us through life. How many of these passions do your students have?

Pumpkin Learning Fun!

It's a great time of year! 

Autumn brings colorful leaves, apples, crisp weather, and of course, pumpkins!

Children love pumpkins! That makes them a great tool for practicing important other skills such as life cycles and informational reading practice.

Children love pumpkins, don't they? That’s why pumpkins are a great way to make learning fun!

I often start with books. Gail Gibbons writes some of my favorite informational books for kids this age, including a fabulous book about pumpkins called The Pumpkin Book!

Here are a few more pumpkin book suggestions: (These are Amazon affiliate links, which means I get a few cents from each purchase, with no extra cost to you!)

Read-alouds are great, but it's also great when they have their own books!
Children love pumpkins! That makes them a great tool for practicing important other skills such as life cycles and informational reading practice.

Don't they just love a booklet that they can hold, read, color, and write in? This will make them happy!

Children love pumpkins! That makes them a great tool for practicing important other skills such as life cycles and informational reading practice.

This collection of activities makes learning about the life cycle of the pumpkin great fun for the students. They can make various fun crafts while sharing what they've learned about pumpkins!

Children love pumpkins! That makes them a great tool for practicing important other skills such as life cycles and informational reading practice.

I absolutely LOVE Boom Learning for a multitude of reasons, but most of all, the children love it and will want to use it over and over. Luckily, there are so many different pumpkin facts in the Boom deck that the children will need to play several times before they remember them all! 

Children love pumpkins! That makes them a great tool for practicing important other skills such as life cycles and informational reading practice.

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