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Showing posts with label learning games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label learning games. Show all posts

Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged!

As elementary teachers, one of our biggest challenges is to keep our students engaged in the learning process!

Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!

Capturing the attention of the students is not always easy. But children are naturally curious and have that infectious enthusiasm. Here are ten ways to help capture their attention, making learning fun and memorable!


  1. Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!

  2. The right books can capture their attention and their hearts! I am committed to reading at least one picture book (or a chapter) to my students every day. Sometimes the book is related to something I'm teaching, and sometimes it is just to bring out the joy in books. See the image for a link to 10 of my favorites!

Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!

Educational Games!
Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!

  1. Integrating educational games into your lessons makes learning more enjoyable. Whether it's math bingo, spelling races, or science jeopardy, games provide a hands-on approach to learning and reinforce important concepts. Plus, they're fun, which means children will want to play them over and over! See the image for more about learning games:

  2. Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!

    Hands-On Science Experiments!Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!

  1. Bring science to life by conducting simple, hands-on experiments. From creating a volcano eruption to exploring the properties of magnets, these activities not only make science more tangible but also stimulate students' natural curiosity. These monthly sets are a great source of science experiments:

  2. Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!

    Themed Days!

  3. Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!

  4. As much as children need consistency and routine, they also need novelty. Infuse excitement into the classroom by organizing themed days. Whether it's a historical era, a cultural celebration, or a scientific exploration, themed days allow students to delve deeply into a topic and make connections across different subjects. See the image for more about novelty.
  5. Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!

    Outdoor Learning!
Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!
  1. Take the classroom outdoors! Plan nature walks, scavenger hunts, or even simple math games on the playground. The change of scenery can rejuvenate both students and teachers, making learning a breath of fresh air. See the image to read more about getting them outdoors

Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!

Integrate the Arts!
Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!
  1. Incorporate the arts into your lessons to tap into students' creativity. Whether it's drawing, painting, crafting, or even singing or drama, the arts not only reinforce lessons but also provide a creative outlet for self-expression.

  2. Guest Speakers or Virtual Tours!Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!

  1. Arrange for guest speakers to share their expertise or take virtual field trips. These experiences broaden students' perspectives and connect classroom learning to the real world, making lessons more relevant and engaging. Parents of students can be a great resource for guest speakers, and virtual field trips are easily accessible through Google!

Classroom Puzzles and Brain Teasers!
Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!

Stimulate critical thinking by introducing puzzles and brain teasers. These activities encourage problem-solving skills and perseverance, while also making learning enjoyable and challenging. Don't they just love word finds and crossword puzzles?

Role-Playing and Drama!
Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!
  1. Incorporate role-playing and drama activities to make learning more immersive. Whether reenacting historical events or performing a play related to the curriculum, these activities allow students to embody what they've learned. See the image for more about dramatics in the classroom.

Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!

Student-Led Projects!
Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!
  1. Empower students by allowing them to take the lead in projects. Whether it's creating a class newspaper, organizing a STEM project, or planning a cultural exhibition, student-led projects foster collaboration, responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment.

What do you think of these ten ideas?
What could you add to this list?

Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!

Seven Steps to a Happy Last Day of School - Part 2: Games

If you're getting ready for the end of the school year, I'm sure things are a little crazy. It's hard to enjoy the last day of school when there is so much to do, but I've got a few ideas for you.

This post includes suggestions for end of year review games and some fun game ideas!

Yesterday I shared my first strategy for a Happy Last Day of School: Read Your Favorite Book.
Today, and for the next 5 days, I'll be sharing a new strategy for a Happy Last Day of School. Here's today's strategy:

Seven Steps o a Happy Last Day of School - Part 2: Leave Out a Few Favorite Games

By this point, you've probably packed up most classroom games, but it's a good idea to keep out a couple of favorites for a happy last day of school.

I prefer games that include a little reading and a little thinking!

Apples to Apples is my group's favorite game. I love it because it creates lots of giggles, but also has some thinking skills and strategy. It even has a little reading! (Explore the link: this is an Amazon affiliate link.)

Battleship is also a favorite! There's not a whole lot of reading, but there's plenty of thinking involved! (The link is also an Amazom affiliate link.)

They don't have to be store-bought games! 
They can be learning games you've had in your classroom, that the kiddos love to play over and over again!

Here's a resource that celebrates reading and the books the children have read during the year: Reading Celebration Game
This post includes suggestions for end of year review games and some fun game ideas!

I have a few other posts that focus on games:

This post includes suggestions for end of year review games and some fun game ideas!

This post includes suggestions for end of year review games and some fun game ideas!

This post includes suggestions for end of year review games and some fun game ideas!

Gotta Get a Gimmick!

There is a song from the Broadway show Gypsy called Gotta Get a Gimmick! 

Many of you may know I'm a big fan of musical theatre, and have performed in many, many productions of theatrical shows. 
In fact, I tend to be rather theatrical in my classroom, too. 
(You might have guessed this from my profile picture.)
Sometimes a silly gimmick can grab the kids attention and turn a mundane task into something exciting. I'm sure you've done it. Here are some examples.

This post has nothing to do with that show.

But, seriously, have you ever noticed how a silly little gimmick can grab the kids' attention and turn a mundane task into something exciting! I'm sure you've done it! 

Here are some gimmicks I've used!

Sometimes a silly gimmick can grab the kids attention and turn a mundane task into something exciting. I'm sure you've done it. Here are some examples
Giant Dice: I'm sure you've seen these! I could have given these little guys a worksheet to practice adding 3 addends, but the giant dice and the whiteboards made them forget they were practicing a skill!
Sometimes a silly gimmick can grab the kids attention and turn a mundane task into something exciting. I'm sure you've done it. Here are some examples.

M&Ms! This lovely lady found the M&Ms a fun way to make sure she was leaving spaces between words!

Sometimes a silly gimmick can grab the kids attention and turn a mundane task into something exciting. I'm sure you've done it. Here are some examples.

Brain Breaks! These two cuties are doing wall push ups. The kids absolutely love this stuff! Plus, they need it! These two are playing a game that has the Brain Breaks build right in, but they don't need to be "built in". Brain Breaks should be a big part of every day! It's amazing what a small amount of movement or a change of pace can do for learning!

Sometimes a silly gimmick can grab the kids attention and turn a mundane task into something exciting. I'm sure you've done it. Here are some examples

Mini Cards! These young gentlemen are practicing addition with 2 digit numbers. This is another case where a worksheet would be sufficient, but these little mini cards just make it so much more fun for the little guys! They love these!

Sometimes a silly gimmick can grab the kids attention and turn a mundane task into something exciting. I'm sure you've done it. Here are some examples.

Bracelets! These bracelets are simply beads (from any craft store) and pipe cleaners. This particular one was made for the new year, and was a chance for the children to practice facts that add up to 14. They can manipulate the beads to make 8+6 or 9+5 or other combinations.  My students love these bracelets so much, they even make them at indoor recess!

I have plenty more, and I'll bet you do too!

I don't believe in ALWAYS using a gimmick. Sometimes they just have to work. But sometimes they need a little something extra to get them going!

If you like what you see here on Elementary Matters, please join me on social media HERE.
Sometimes a silly gimmick can grab the kids attention and turn a mundane task into something exciting. I'm sure you've done it. Here are some examples.

For more Bright Ideas from lots of fabulous bloggers, browse through the link up below. You'll be amazed by the bright ideas!

Ten Reasons My Students Play Lots of Games

I have been fascinated with the brain and how it works for years now. 
I do a whole lot of reading about the brain. I have a ton of books about the brain and learning. I follow several online journals and newsletters, and make note of any articles that have something to do with the brain and how it works.

Ten Reasons My Students Play Lots of Games - This post gives reasons based on brain research on why students should be playing games in the classroom.

Here are some of the things I've learned about the brain:

Ten Reasons My Students Play Lots of Games - This post gives reasons based on brain research on why students should be playing games in the classroom.

1. Practice Makes Permanent! We know that “Practice Makes Perfect” is a fallacy since we know if a child practices something incorrectly, he learns it incorrectly.  Whatever they practice needs to be accurate so the child learns it correctly. (I’m sure you know how hard it is to break a bad habit!) Games can be played over and over, giving the children plenty of opportunities for practice! 

Ten Reasons My Students Play Lots of Games - This post gives reasons based on brain research on why students should be playing games in the classroom.

2. Practice with Feedback is even better!  As the 
children work in pairs or small groups, the teacher or the partner should immediately say the correct answer if it’s not given. That feedback is essential! I emphasize partners checking answers during game playing.

Ten Reasons My Students Play Lots of Games - This post gives reasons based on brain research on why students should be playing games in the classroom.

3.  The Brain is a Parallel Processor! Brains are much more likely to remember something if the learner uses more than one process.  If the children are looking at the fact, saying the fact out loud, and making gestures or moving manipulatives on the tens frame, they are more likely to remember the information than if they just looked at it. I expect my students to say say facts out loud during game play.

Ten Reasons My Students Play Lots of Games - This post gives reasons based on brain research on why students should be playing games in the classroom.

4. Brains Need Social Interaction!  When children work together, they are keeping the brain happy. Social interaction is HUGE when it comes to learning! 

Ten Reasons My Students Play Lots of Games - This post gives reasons based on brain research on why students should be playing games in the classroom.
5. Emotions play a big role in memory! A little healthy competition gets the blood moving, bringing oxygen to the brain and helping the memory do its thing. They sure love to win! (But make sure they know how to lose as well!)

Ten Reasons My Students Play Lots of Games - This post gives reasons based on brain research on why students should be playing games in the classroom.

6. Brains remember patterns! If you organize information by patterns, it helps! An example might be learning math facts by fact family or sight words by word family. These two fact fluency sets are based on patterns.  Brain Friendly Addition and Subtraction Fact Fluency and Brain Friendly Multiplication and Division Fact Fluency

Ten Reasons My Students Play Lots of Games - This post gives reasons based on brain research on why students should be playing games in the classroom.

7. Brains remember colors!  Seriously! Using color helps the kiddos remember! The above fact fluency systems are color coded for better learning!

Ten Reasons My Students Play Lots of Games - This post gives reasons based on brain research on why students should be playing games in the classroom.

8. The Working Memory can hold 2 to 4 chunks of information at a time! This is why I suggest starting many games with just some of the cards, not all the cards at once!

Ten Reasons My Students Play Lots of Games - This post gives reasons based on brain research on why students should be playing games in the classroom.

9. A little bit each day is more productive than a lot, once a week! I like to spend 5 minutes a day with math facts games, 5 minutes a day practicing sight words games, etc. This is so much more valuable than a half hour once a week!

Ten Reasons My Students Play Lots of Games - This post gives reasons based on brain research on why students should be playing games in the classroom.

10. Music helps the brain organize data! It is recommended that appropriate background music is played during practice times. When possible, play music during game time! It really makes a difference!

Some other blog posts about games:

Playing Math Games to Strengthen Important Skills: This post tells why it's important to play math games, and has some suggestions on how to teach them and what to play!

Ten Activities to Keep Them Engaged! Try some of these 10 ideas to keep them engaged and learning!

Practice Makes Permanent and Games Make it Fun! Sometimes kids just need to drill something until they've got it. This blog post describes a fun game that makes practice more fun! (Plus a freebie!)

Strengthen Math Skills - Some information about how games strengthen math skills, and ideas for games, including 2 freebies!

Doesn't this make you want to play games?

Ten Reasons My Students Play Lots of Games - This post gives reasons based on brain research on why students should be playing games in the classroom.
Ten Reasons My Students Play Lots of Games - This post gives reasons based on brain research on why students should be playing games in the classroom.
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