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It's Time to Let Go of Summer, But Hooray for Autumn!

Summer is almost over. 

I hate to let go of summer, but...

Hooray for Autumn!

It's a great time of year! Here are some book ideas and resources to help your students enjoy the new season!
Don't you love this time of year? The kids are settled into their classroom routines and are really in "learning mode!"

The weather is perfect: cool nights for sleeping and warm days for playing outside. It's perfect for football, apple picking, carving pumpkins, and jumping into those beautiful leaves!

I'll be focusing on the change of seasons in my classroom this week.

This will be our writing focus this week:

It's a great time of year! Here are some book ideas and resources to help your students enjoy the new season!

See the image or see here for this Dollar Deal: Summer or Fall Opinion Writing.

This resource is part of my Fall Printables Collection, which I'll be using a lot these next couple of weeks!
It's a great time of year! Here are some book ideas and resources to help your students enjoy the new season!

Explore the image or see here for more information about this collection of fall printables: Fall No Prep Printables

I will be reading a couple of my favorite books for the season:
(All of these are affiliate links to Amazon.)
Aren't books a great way to bring out science and social studies concepts?

What are your favorite fall books for kids?

What will you be doing to celebrate autumn?

It's a great time of year! Here are some book ideas and resources to help your students enjoy the new season!

A Quick Exit Slip Procedure

My students have Independent Reading time daily. I try to make it a special time for the kiddos by letting them choose a cozy spot and giving them a comfy pillow. I also make sure I have plenty of fun books. It is often their favorite time of the day!
Looking for a quick way to assess what the children are reading? This post suggests a very simple exit slip procedure using post its!

But reading really is pretty important, and I have a fun, quick way for the children respond to their books. Are you ready for a bright idea? 

Looking for a quick way to assess what the children are reading? This post suggests a very simple exit slip procedure using post its!

Although I have several strategies for checking for understanding in response to Independent Reading time, this is a quick one I use often. It doesn't replace the need for deep book conversations or detailed Book Reviews. It's just a quick response.

It starts with a Post It.

Looking for a quick way to assess what the children are reading? This post suggests a very simple exit slip procedure using post its!

My kiddos each have a Post it pad in their book boxes just for this purpose! Many kids struggle using Post its, so I make it as easy as possible for them.
Looking for a quick way to assess what the children are reading? This post suggests a very simple exit slip procedure using post its!

I replace the backing with a red square as a reminder: don't use that side. (It also helps them find their own!)

I have them write on the Post it while it's still on the pad. (To avoid them writing on the sticky side!)

What they write depends on the prompt. I'll ask them a variety of questions, depending on what we're studying. 

  • They might draw the setting. 
  • They might write 3 adjectives to describe the main character. 
  • They might write a general statement about the story. 
  • They could be asked about the Author's purpose. 

I'm sure you can think of many more responses that would fit on a Post it!

Sometimes I tell them the topic before we read. 
Sometimes I don't tell them until after we read. 

Here comes the really easy part:


Looking for a quick way to assess what the children are reading? This post suggests a very simple exit slip procedure using post its!

They just put the post it on their class number!

That's it! I've had these same charts for years, and I just keep using them for exit slips! It's easy to see who wrote what, and who hasn't responded yet!

Looking for a quick way to assess what the children are reading? This post suggests a very simple exit slip procedure using post its!

Sometimes I have the children share with the whole class what they wrote. Sometimes I have them share with a small group, and sometimes they don't share at all!

It's quick and easy, and there are plenty of possibilities.

How do you assess Independent Reading?

Looking for a quick way to assess what the children are reading? This post suggests a very simple exit slip procedure using post its!

Sometimes You Just Have to Cry

My typical style is to turn the title of my post into something funny, but I'm actually serious.

Sometimes you really just have to cry!

Sometimes You Just Have to Cry! This post has some ideas for those times when you need a "good cry," but the tears won't come.

I guess it's been since my divorce, but sometimes I have a hard time crying. I suspect it comes from trying so hard to be strong all the time. I have a hard time letting go.

But crying can be good. It's cleansing. 
It helps to get the bad feelings out. 

It doesn't make things better, but sometimes it's part of healing.

A couple of weeks ago, I lost a friend, suddenly, in a plane crash. He was a member of my singing group. I've known him for close to 20 years.

I didn't cry.

I found myself thinking I was a horrible person. 
Why wouldn't I cry?

I think part of it was that I was still in shock. 

My singing group will be singing at his memorial service tomorrow. 

When I heard the music we'd be singing, then the floods started. 

You can listen to recordings of these songs HERE and HERE.

The second one is the killer... if you need a good cry, that should do it!

Throughout my life, whenever I needed that beautiful release that only a "good cry" will bring, this is the song I'd listen to: 

As I've mentioned here on my blog, I'm a huge theatre fan!

That's Lea Salonga in Miss Saigon. I saw this show in London (starring Lea Salonga!) in 1990, before it came to the U.S. 

I admit, I did cry through a good portion of the show, but this song in particular had a strong connection for me.
It's interesting. This was years before I had a child, but I knew even then how much I would love that child. 
This post has more ideas on the benefits of a "good cry," and how music will help! A Good "Ugly" Cry! It's Good for You!
Sometimes You Just Have to Cry! This post has some ideas for those times when you need a "good cry," but the tears won't come.

Music is magical. What songs make you cry?

Sometimes You Just Have to Cry! This post has some ideas for those times when you need a "good cry," but the tears won't come.

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