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Eight Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day

April Fool's Day is coming up! 

In some ways I'm glad. It's hard to pretend to be surprised every time one of my students tells me my shoe is untied or I have a spider on my head. But I'll be celebrating with my kids, since it's a day dedicated to laughing. Who couldn't use more of that?
8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

Plus, it's a great way to make school fun without losing out on learning! 

I tell my kids about GOOD jokes and BAD jokes.

GOOD jokes make people laugh.
BAD jokes make people mad or upset.  

Of course, only GOOD jokes are allowed in my classroom!

Here are some ideas to make the kids laugh:

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

Time for the joke books!  

I have quite a collection of them after over 30 years of teaching. They come out every April. The kids love them (even my little ones that don't actually "get" the humor!)

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

Pull out your favorite authors of funny books  

 Robert Munsch is spending some time in my classroom this week. I've been reading one every day!  (Stephanie's Ponytail is the one I read today - the kids couldn't get enough of it!) These are some of my favorite Robert Munsch books: (These are affiliate links to Amazon.)

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

Work silly things into every day work   

There are always opportunities to give examples of what is being learned. Throwing in something ridiculously silly just adds to the fun of learning. I do a lot of movement breaks in my classroom, so  you know the children will be walking like a winged kangaroo or something along those lines.

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

Do Math story problems with a very silly theme  

I find if I use the words "monkey" or "underwear", the children break into laughter. Make up an addition story about a monkey in striped underwear, and you're golden!

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

Check out some of the ideas on Pinterest for April Fool's Day. See THIS link! 

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

I like to "spice things up" on April Fool's Day by rearranging the classroom 

I turn a few posters upside down, turn a few desks around so that the kids can't reach their stuff. I'll find a kid with a good sense of humor and put his/ her desk completely in another part of the classroom, or even in the hallway. (Some kids are just too sensitive for that stuff, but there's always one or two that could handle it and even enjoy it!)

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

Mix up the schedule  

Other than specials and lunch, rearrange all the other parts of the day. Just be careful... there are some children that really rely on their routine. Be sensitive and don't overdo it!

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!
Replace their photographs with silly pictures 

If you have photographs of the children displayed in the classroom, put up a silly picture in its place. They'll giggle about this for days!

What are your ideas for April Fool's Day?

For more on April Fool's Day see:

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

Area or Perimeter?

Ever notice how kids have a hard time keeping track of which meaning goes with the word "area" and which meaning goes with the word "perimeter"?

Area or Perimeter? Ever notice how kids have a hard time keeping track of which meaning goes with the word "area" and which meaning goes with the word "perimeter"? Here are some brain compatible tips!

My kids used to, but then I made up a couple of tricks that helped the kids remember which one was which. Brain research tells us that making these connections in the brain help children remember!

Area is measuring squares.  Both words have the are in them, which I emphasize when I teach it.  I also make a hand motion that reminds the children that we're talking about a full surface.

Perimeter measure around the sides. I emphasize that r in both words, and make a hand motion moving around.

You know, I'm kind of obnoxious about the way I repeat it over and over, making the same hand movements, and emphasize the are for area and the r in perimeter.

But I've had former students tell me they remembered the difference between area and perimeter and they repeated the movements I used to make when they were in my class.

I also made up this activity for the children to practice the differences between the two. See the image or HERE: Area or Perimeter


When my students do this activity, they repeat my gestures every time!

Area or Perimeter? Ever notice how kids have a hard time keeping track of which meaning goes with the word "area" and which meaning goes with the word "perimeter"? Here are some brain compatible tips!

St. Patrick's Day and Family Heritage

Believe it or not, this is my third post this week about St. Patrick's Day! I'm thinking I must really like St. Patrick's Day!

Well, I do! Can you tell by the way I dressed for school yesterday? (Pay close attention to the green toenails and the green sandals... in March!)

Well, I think the kids had a good time yesterday, and I think they learned something, too! We've spent a few days talking about how our country is made up of people from many other countries. (E Pluribus Unum means "one out of many"!) I was surprised to find that most of the children had no idea what countries their ancestors came from.

By the way, I'm Irish and Polish. My Dad's family came from Poland and my mother's family came from Ireland.  My students enjoyed hearing my family history. They loved hearing about how my grandmother left Poland at a young age, got on a boat, and came to America. They thought it was cool that the first thing she saw in America was probably the Statue of Liberty. Of course, as I was talking, I was showing them on the map where my family came from in Europe and how they crossed the Atlantic around the turn of last century before there were computers, Xbox or even many cars.

This is what my dad looked like when I was in high school!
My dad teased my mom about being Irish and teased the Irish in general. Ironically, exactly ten years ago today, he passed away on St. Patrick's Day. So this bittersweet memory is one of the other faces of St. Patrick's Day for me. But it's mostly about happy memories of my Dad.  My Dad was my hero. He was a very successful high school football coach. Not only did he win a lot, but he influenced a lot of high school boys in a very positive way. People still talk about him today, in fact, this fall, they named a street after my dad, down by the old football field where I grew up. See this post for details about that special day!

Besides talking about my family heritage, we watched videos of Irish dancing, listened to Irish music, wrote about leprechauns, played learning games with an Irish theme, and dressed in green. Oh yes, did I mention that I've been talking with an Irish accent for most of the week? (That theatrical background comes in handy in the classroom!)

We did have a little trouble with leprechauns. Somehow a leprechaun got in the classroom and changed the color of our morning letter. He also turned some of the desks around, and rearranged our class schedule. Apparently the leprechaun took the blame for a couple of other incidents I didn't even know about. We were grateful that the leprechaun stayed away from the bathroom this year, after all, last year he left glitter in the toilet. (The first grade teacher from that crew was thrilled to hear they remembered that!)

By the end of the week, one of my little ones told me that she was half Irish. She wasn't sure what the other side was. I'm still surprised that more children didn't know about their family history. Granted, after many generations, most of these children are a little bit of everything, but it's a great connection to history as well as learning about the map. (Brain research tells us that children remember better if they have a personal connection. What could be more personal than your family?)

What's your family heritage? Are you Irish, or only on St. Patrick's Day?

Ten Ways I Have Grown as a Teacher from Blogging

This will be my tenth set of ten!

If you haven't been following my blog, I decided to celebrate my 100th blog post by making ten lists of ten.  I've written about lots of things lately including blogs that inspire me, great children's books, brain based learning strategies,  motivating students, picture prompts,  things for students to work on during reading groups, learning games, things to do with a list of 1,000 numbers, and test taking ideas and strategies.  I have to say, it's been an adventure and an inspiration.  I've had no problems coming up with ideas, and I'm feeling pretty good about these blog posts!  I hope you have liked them as well.

Being a reflective person, I decided I want my tenth set of ten to be a reflection on the blogging experience so far.  Here are my Ten Ways I Have Grown as a Teacher from Blogging!

1.  Blogging has reminded me of the need for teachers to share.  I've been lucky to become acquainted with lots of other teacher bloggers.  (Much of this is due to Charity Preston's Teaching Blog Traffic School, which has given me most of the inspiration and knowledge that I have about this blogging stuff!)  Chatting with other teachers and exchanging ideas and strategies makes teaching so much easier as well as so much more fun.  Within the blogging community, there are incredible teachers who are more than willing to share ideas.  It's always been my philosophy in teaching to share ideas with anyone who asks.  Unfortunately not all teachers feel this way, but I'm always honored when others like my ideas.  I'm also enthusiastic about helping ALL children learn, not just my own class.  I've never been in this for the personal glory, I'm in this for the kids.

2.  I've made teacher friends around the world, at many different grade levels.  As I mentioned, there are plenty of teacher bloggers in this teacher blog community.  Now although I've never met many of these people, I know a lot about them!  Between reading their blogs, and following their tweets, facebook pages, and Pinterest pages, I feel they are friends.  Yikes, that almost sounds like I'm a stalker!  I'm really just a person who enjoys getting to know people, especially teachers!  We share a common bond.  As a lover of social studies, when a place comes up in conversation or in a book, I can tell the kids... I know a teacher from ... and the kids are thrilled!  (Brain research teaches us the importance of making those connections!)

3.  I learn from teachers at completely different grade levels.  I come from a family of teachers, and I always find it interesting to see how much I have in common with my brother, who teaches at the college level, and my sister who teaches at the high school level.  In fact, I'm always amazed at how much I had in common with my Dad, who was a high school football coach!  The size of the student really doesn't matter that much.  Teachers are caring people and have many of the same strategies and concerns no matter how big the student is, or what they are teaching. Since I've been blogging, I do tend to visit mostly blogs of teachers who are in the primary years, like myself, but I visit a lot of other teacher blogs where the content is far from beginning readers and writers.  Yes, I even learn from physics teachers and algebra teachers!

4.  I've learned more computer tricks.  I certainly haven't mastered HTML yet, but I understand it better, and have become acquainted with lots of little tricks and websites since I've been blogging.  There are things I do regularly now that I never would have tried a couple of years ago.  I certainly have a long way to go, but I've really learned a lot, and plan to continue learning!  (The way technology keeps changing, continuing to learn really isn't an option anyway!)

5.  I'm more focused on how children learn.  One of the topics that always catches my attention is brain based learning.  I've found lots of wonderful resources on this topic, and I'm developing an understanding of how the brain works.  In fact, I like to think I'm becoming an expert on brain based learning.  (Although I admit, putting that in writing makes me nervous, as I also know how much more there is to learn, that even scientists don't know yet!)

6.  Putting myself in the place of the learner forces me to think about learning.  As a teacher, I know what it's like to want the learner to learn.  As a learner, I can remember the challenges, frustrations, and successes of the learning process.  Since blogging involves a lot of learning, it gives me a stronger connection with my students:  I know what it's like to be them!

7.  I've been making better materials for my own students.  I've always made things for my students.  Of course, all teachers do this.  But now I find myself making things with a little more care, thinking that there must be other teachers out there who could also use this.  I find myself thinking, how could I make this so that more levels could use it, or so that larger groups could participate, or how could a teacher differentiate for lower/ higher students.  So I make it a little more detailed, with a little more thought, and I put it up on Teachers Pay Teachers as a freebie for anyone who might be able to use it.  Then I find myself looking at other materials on the same topic, looking for ways to improve upon it even more!

8.  I have plenty of free teaching materials at my fingertips.  Sites such as Teachers Pay Teachers, Classroom Freebies, several Pinterest boards and several teacher blogs I visit (see The Cornerstone for Teachers) are constantly giving out freebies.  I'm always amazed by how many games and activities teachers make that practice and develop the same skills my kids are working toward.  There's a whole lot of great stuff out there, and most of it is free!  The more I explore teacher blogs, the more I know exactly where to find just what my kids need!  (If I can't find it, I'll make it, and share it with someone else!)

9.  I've learned about Whole Brain Teaching  With all my reading on how the brain works, I've discovered Whole Brain Teaching!  Visit their site, check out a few of their free videos and free materials, and see how they've taken research on the brain and put it into classrooms for optimum learning.  I'm totally hooked!  I even attend their weekly live Webinars every Tuesday at 8 pm!  (But they can be watched anytime!)  I use many of the Whole Brain Teaching techniques in my classroom, and I couldn't be happier.

10.  I do more reflecting on my own teaching.  I've always been a naturally reflective person, but now that I'm a teacher blogger, I am even more reflective.  My own experiences in the classroom are what inspires my blog posts.  As I go through the day, I'm always thinking... would this be interesting to blog about..?  Would other teachers benefit from reading a discussion on what happened in reading today..?  I'll bet other teachers would love to hear how my students reacted to this book...  and so on.  I'm constantly reflecting on how I can make my classroom the best it can be, and how I can share it with other teachers.

How has blogging or blog hopping affected your teaching?

Ten Things to do With 1000 Numbers

Understanding the concept of 1,000 is a tough one for some children.  

Ten things to do with 1,000 numbers - Here's a grid of 1,000 numbers, along with several ideas to get you started building number sense with your students!

To help them out, I give each child a color-coded copy of the numbers 0 - 1,000.  (Download HERE.) I also have a couple of these posted on the wall. 

Explore this image for a link to this useful display of numbers!

I find that laminating them gives them more durability and allows them to write on them with their dry-erase markers. This really helps them keep track of their counting!

I thought I'd share some of the things the little ones can do with this number grid.  

1. Talk about the patterns  

Understanding the patterns of numbers really helps them understand how numbers work.  Brain research tells us that talking about those patterns internalizes those understandings.

2.  Find any number 

The more the children find random numbers on the 1,000 chart, the better they understand the patterns and how it all works. I'll use cards or dice to find a random number. If the children draw three one-digit cards, they can make a three-digit number to find. So if they draw 3, then 9, then 5, they should find the number 395 on the grid. This is something children can do in a math center.

3. Add or subtract hundreds  

I keep an overhead of the same number chart to model how to use the number grid. With some modeling, the children can learn how to jump 100 numbers at a time. For example, if they start at 245, in order to jump 100, the tens and ones will stay the same, and the hundreds digit will increase by 1, bringing them to 345. Modeling this with the base ten blocks really helps!

4. Call a number 

Have the children find it on their grids, then tell the number that is 100 less or 100 more. After some practice, they won't need the grids anymore!

5. Follow the leader  

Call a number, then have them add or subtract hundreds, tens, and ones until you're done. Hopefully, they'll land on the correct number! For example, "Start on 384, add 200, subtract 30, add 100, subtract 50. What number are you on now?" (This is great for following directions and practicing the numbers on the 1,000 grid!)

6. Practice adding ones and tens through those tough transitions   

Transitioning from the 90s to the next set of 100 is always tricky. With guidance, they can work their way, counting from one hundred to the next.

7.  Modeling random numbers with the base ten blocks  

One child can randomly point to a number on the grid. The other child can act out that number with the base ten blocks. For example, if one child points to 582, the other child puts out 5 hundreds, 8 tens, and two ones. These blocks really internalize the understanding of place value, I use them all the time!

8. Make a game of it  

Children can race from 0 to 1,000. They can place their markers at 0, then with a roll of a couple of dice (making a 2-digit number), they can add that many tens and ones to make their way across the grid to work up to 1,000.  Again, the more they use the grid, the more familiar they become with the numbers.  If they are having conversations about the numbers, it will help them understand them. (I'm already at 832, less than 200 to go!) Those conversations are meaningful. Kids need to talk in order to learn!

9. Another game  

This is a variation of the above game. Children can use playing cards to make a 2-digit number. (Take out 10s and picture cards; aces represent ones.) This makes numbers higher than 66 possible, the highest they can make with 2 dice. The game could move faster. Again, this game encourages conversations about the numbers, precisely what we want!

10.  Number grid puzzles  

Give the children any 3-digit number. Have them fill in the numbers above, below, and beside that number as they would see it on the 1,000 grid.

As you use the grid, you'll think of plenty more things to do with this grid.  I'm sure the kids will, too!

For a "Count to 1,000" booklet, see here: 
Count to 1,000 Booklet

Explore this image for a link to this valuable resource!

How do you help your students understand the concept of 1,000?

Ten things to do with 1,000 numbers - Here's a freebie 1,000 grid of numbers, along with several ideas to get you started building number sense with your students!
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