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Showing posts with label freebies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freebies. Show all posts

Learning About the USA

There is a lot going around in politics that is far too brutal for small children. Yet, their little eyes and ears are open, and they're noticing what is going on around them. 

I think this is a good time for the children to learn about the USA.

Learning About the USA: Here are several resources to help young children learn about their country in a stress and opinion free manner!

I prefer to use this interest to teach the children more "safe," "non-biased" information about their country. As teachers, we have an obligation to teach them to think for themselves, and certainly not to tell them how to think! 

I have several Amazon affiliate links below that will bring a few pennies to me, at absolutely no cost to you. These are some examples of teaching children about the United States without teaching them to have an opinion.

How about a book of maps?
(National Geographic Kids)

How about a book of USA places?
by Gene Lipen
 Here's a fun collection of true tales from American History!
by Jennifer Armstrong

Here are some great biographies about American women!
by Jenifer Bazzit

Here is a book that will empower little ones!
edited by Lindsey H. Metcalf, Kelia V. Dawson, and Jeannette Bradley
I'm sure you know plenty more children's books to educate children about the United States of America! (Leave a comment below with your favorites!)

Here are a few resources that can be used throughout the year, whether or not there is a patriotic holiday on the horizon!

This is my newest deck on the Boom Learning platform: the children think about each USA fact, and decide if it is true or false. 

Explore this image for a link to this fun digital resource.

These Reading Comprehension for Active Learners sets have always been a big hit for my learners! 
This one tells about the 5 branches of the US military.  It's easy to differentiate since there are three different leveled texts!
Explore this image for a link to this fun resource for active learners.

Here's another resource on the Boom Learning platform comparing two North American countries! Canada, USA, or Both?

Explore this image for a link to this fun digital resource.

This resource is a favorite! It's perfect for helping the children to recognize and accept the differences between the people in our country!

Explore this image for a link to this popular diversity resource.

These mapping task cards help children learn their way around the USA map! 

Explore this image for a link to this popular set of geography task cards

This set combines several skills, and can be used for Presidents Day, Election Day, or any day you're learning about the USA! Mapping, Comparing, Syllables, and Opinion Writing with a President Theme

Explore this image for a link to this useful resource.

Do your students struggle to remember which patriotic holiday is which? 

Explore this image for a link to this valuable resource.

Want a fun collection with a huge savings?

Explore this image for a link to this time saving and money saving bundle of resources.

Or perhaps you'd prefer this collection of digital resources on Boom Learning: USA Boom Bundle

Explore this image for a link to this time saving and money saving bundle of resources.

How do you help younger children learn about the USA?

Learning About the USA: Here are several resources and freebies to help young children learn about their country in a stress and opinion free manner!

Keep Them Healthy and Learning

It's that time of year! 

There are plenty of germs around, and it's likely they're sneezing on each other, as well as their teachers!

Keeping them healthy and learning: This blog post has suggestions and resources to help both teachers and parents during the Coronavirus pandemic, social distancing, and time away from school.

Typically, my blog posts are directed at teachers, but this one is for teachers, parents, and caregivers. 

If you're home with little ones, or if you're sending work home to little ones, this is a great time to teach them about looking out for germs and protecting themselves. Here are some great books: 

And some great videos for them to watch... the key is handwashing: do it right and do it often!



Some other suggestions if you have kiddos home for an extended time:

1. Establish a schedule! Set aside a time for reading, writing, educational games, and even a little screen time.

 2.  Make sure they get outside to play! That fresh air is more important than ever!

3. Social time! Although we're trying to keep them away from each other, let them FaceTime their friends. Humans are social animals, and they need each other. Social distancing can lead to loneliness. 

4. Family time! Hopefully, there's time to enjoy each other. Board games and puzzles are perfect ways to have family fun. If you're adventurous, do some baking with the kiddos, or even some crafts!

5. Be sensitive to their worries! It's a good idea to see this time as an "adventure," but understand that they really do know why this is happening, and may have worries and anxiety over the situation. Let them talk about their feelings, but try to help keep them from dwelling on their negative feelings

6. Address your own concerns as well! I don't think any of us have ever experienced a pandemic quite like this before! Luckily, we have the internet to keep us from becoming socially isolated. Try to follow the same expectations we have for the kiddos: avoid too much screen time, stay active, stay social as much as you can, and don't dwell on the "what ifs."  

7. Check in on others! This is a hard time for all of us. Think of the elderly, and those with physical limitations. Reach out to working parents who are struggling to find child care. Help out those families who won't be fed breakfast and lunch at school for a few weeks. Many people are suffering financial loss at this time. How can we help them?

 A few other resources to share to keep children learning:

This is one of my newer Boom Learning resources that I've set for free because of the need for online learning during the Coronavirus crisis.  Enjoy!  Healthy Habits Digital Task Cards 


 If you enjoy the Boom Learning platform, here is a link to more Boom Learning Resources.

 I've also set this resource for free during this crisis. Let's keep these kiddos thinking about staying healthy! 

Healthy Habits: a booklet for visualization, illustration, and discussion

I also have a several resources that are free, that can be sent home for fun work! See these resources HERE: Free Resources

I also wanted to let you know my TpT store will be on sale for the next few days at 20% off to help you out during this crazy time. I hope this helps!

And please, reach out to others. Let this crisis show who you really are. Let it bring out the best in us. 

Keeping them healthy and learning: This blog post has suggestions and resources to help both teachers and parents during the Coronavirus pandemic, social distancing, and time away from school.

November Deals

Somehow, it got to be November already! 

Here are a few Dollar Deal resources to help get you through this busy month! 

November Deals: It's already November, so here are some amazing deals and a couple of free resources to get you going!

We start the month with a couple of Patriotic Holidays: Election Day and Veterans Day! Here are a couple of freebies to help you out with these special days: 
(Explore each image for the link!)

Write some thank you letters to our Veterans! (This one is free!)
November Deals: It's already November, so here are some amazing deals and a couple of free resources to get you going!

 Celebrate Election Day the way children should!
 Take breaks and learn about the country at the same time!

November Deals: It's already November, so here are some amazing deals and a couple of free resources to get you going!

Help children distinguish between these 6 tricky Patriotic Holidays!
November Deals: It's already November, so here are some amazing deals and a couple of free resources to get you going!

Of course, it's football season! Here's a football-themed game to practice counting to 1,000! 

November Deals: It's already November, so here are some amazing deals and a couple of free resources to get you going!
 This game is a true favorite with my kiddos! It's played like "Old Maid", and is guaranteed to get them giggling! (Don't tell them they're practicing an important skill!)

November Deals: It's already November, so here are some amazing deals and a couple of free resources to get you going!

Enjoy this busy month... don't blink, it goes by fast!

November Deals: It's already November, so here are some amazing deals and a couple of free resources to get you going!

Election Day Options for Little Learners

I'm tired of watching the attack ads on TV, my phone ringing constantly, getting flyer after flyer in the mail, and the signs all over town. Luckily, this campaign season is almost over. Thank goodness!

Election Day Options for Little Learners: The REAL election is far too grusome to share with little ones, so here are a few alternatives that will help the kiddos learn in a way they can understand

 I also think it's important to teach the importance of the election to the little ones. But in a gentler, kinder fashion.

Election Day Options for Little Learners: The REAL election is far too grusome to share with little ones, so here are a few alternatives that will help the kiddos learn in a way they can understand

We vote for our favorite indoor recess game! See the above image or see HERE for this freebie for Election Day. It includes ballots, graphs, and suggestions for the day.

We've been working on common and proper nouns, so I've cooked up this matching game with an election theme. I find ANY special day makes learning more fun, doesn't it? This set has several options, including a board game. You can learn more about this set HERE, or by see the image.
Election Day Options for Little Learners: The REAL election is far too grusome to share with little ones, so here are a few alternatives that will help the kiddos learn in a way they can understand

Kids always need brain breaks, and squeezing in a little patriotism doesn't hurt! See the image or see HERE to download this Dollar Deal!
Election Day Options for Little Learners: The REAL election is far too grusome to share with little ones, so here are a few alternatives that will help the kiddos learn in a way they can understand

Here are a few books I've found with an election theme.

(These are Amazon affiliates.)

Don't forget the Patriotic Music!

(These are also Amazon affiliates.)

America's Favorite Patriotic Songs

How do you honor election day with your little ones?

Election Day Options for Little Learners: The REAL election is far too grusome to share with little ones, so here are a few alternatives that will help the kiddos learn in a way they can understand

Looking at November

I'm looking at the calendar, and I just can't believe we're approaching November already! 

November Resources: Suggestions and resources for Election Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day, including some freebies!

There's a lot going on in November, but no need to fear, I've got your teaching needs covered!
Here are a couple of resources to start off November: 
November Resources: Suggestions and resources for Election Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day, including some freebies!

Here is one of my favorite November resources: Science and Social Studies Activities for November!
November Resources: Suggestions and resources for Election Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day, including some freebies!

Don't forget Election Day!

I'm sure I'll be having the kiddos vote for something, but they won't be voting for president... far too controversial! This one's a fun one! Election Day Graphing Option for Little Kids

November Resources: Suggestions and resources for Election Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day, including some freebies!

  Veteran's Day is November 11th! 

Here's a fun activity to help the children understand what a Veteran really is! This will spark some great conversations!  Veterans True or False

November Resources: Suggestions and resources for Election Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day, including some freebies!

Here's another fun resource to help children learn about Veterans! (On the fun Boom Learning platform!) Armed Services Fun Facts

November Resources: Suggestions and resources for Election Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day, including some freebies!

Once they figure out what Veterans are, they can write thank you notes to Veterans using this freebie!  Thank You Veterans!
November Resources: Suggestions and resources for Election Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day, including some freebies!

Since Election Day and Veterans Day are both Patriotic holidays, enjoy these Patriotic Brain Breaks! See the image for the link to this freebie! Patriotic Brain Breaks
November Resources: Suggestions and resources for Election Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day, including some freebies!

Of course, everyone's favorite November holiday is Thanksgiving! Check out these Printables!
November Resources: Suggestions and resources for Election Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day, including some freebies!

Here's a math game to practice +9s! Turkey Nines  (Oh my goodness, they LOVE this game! It works like "Old Maid")
November Resources: Suggestions and resources for Election Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day, including some freebies!

And guess what... there's a freebie version!  Turkey Nines Freebie!
November Resources: Suggestions and resources for Election Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day, including some freebies!

Want more turkeys? This little bundle includes more turkey learning fun, (including the Thanksgiving Turkey game) at a huge discount!

November Resources: Suggestions and resources for Election Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day, including some freebies!
I hope you find something your students will love for the month of November!

November Resources: Suggestions and resources for Election Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day, including some freebies!

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