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Illustrating Homographs to Internalize Learning

 Brain Research tells us that when children illustrate as part of the learning process, it deepens the learning. In fact, integrating any of the arts has this affect on learning!
Illustrating Homophones: Children internalize learning by integrating the arts into their daily learning. This post tells about visualizing and illustrating to remember homographs
My students did this activity on homographs this week: 

Illustrating Homophones: Children internalize learning by integrating the arts into their daily learning. This post tells about visualizing and illustrating to remember homographs

My kids were so excited about the double meanings of words, they had a blast!  Plus, they created some awesome illustrations to prove their understanding!  Here are some of them:
      Change can mean the money that you get back. Or Change can mean if you get your clothes dirty, you could change them!    
Illustrating Homophones: Children internalize learning by integrating the arts into their daily learning. This post tells about visualizing and illustrating to remember homographs
Tip can mean a tip of a pencil or the tip at a restaurant.

Illustrating Homophones: Children internalize learning by integrating the arts into their daily learning. This post tells about visualizing and illustrating to remember homographs
Foot can mean football or foot can mean a foot.

Illustrating Homophones: Children internalize learning by integrating the arts into their daily learning. This post tells about visualizing and illustrating to remember homographs
Broke can mean I broke up or broke can mean no money.

Illustrating Homophones: Children internalize learning by integrating the arts into their daily learning. This post tells about visualizing and illustrating to remember homographs
Bat can mean a baseball bat or a bat who flies.

Illustrating Homophones: Children internalize learning by integrating the arts into their daily learning. This post tells about visualizing and illustrating to remember homographs
Key can mean a house key or key can mean a computer key.

Illustrating Homophones: Children internalize learning by integrating the arts into their daily learning. This post tells about visualizing and illustrating to remember homographs

Rose can mean a flower or Rose can mean a girl's name.

Illustrating Homophones: Children internalize learning by integrating the arts into their daily learning. This post tells about visualizing and illustrating to remember homographs
Well can mean a wishing well or well can mean getting better when you're sick.

Illustrating Homophones: Children internalize learning by integrating the arts into their daily learning. This post tells about visualizing and illustrating to remember homographs
March can mean they are marching or March can mean the month of March.

Aren't their drawings amazing? 

They actually thought of meanings of these words that I hadn't come up with! I love when they think of things I don't, in fact, I always love when the kiddos are thinking!

This is a perfect activity to keep in the "sub tub". It requires little preparation (just run off the papers), the kids enjoy it, and it's easy to leave directions for another teacher! 

Plus, these kiddos really know their homographs!

Illustrating Homophones: Children internalize learning by integrating the arts into their daily learning. This post tells about visualizing and illustrating to remember homographs

Shh... We Had Fun!

I have a confession to make. 
I strayed. 
On purpose.
Two days in a row!
Shh, we had fun! I took a couple of days off from the required curriculum to enjoy learning about Groundhog Day and Day 100! This post offers resource ideas and has a freebie!
Yes, folks, rather than sticking to my assigned programs, I strayed and did activities that I knew the children would enjoy.

Did they still learn? Yes! Honestly, there was more learning going on than the typical textbook learning.

Tuesday was Groundhog Day. I had to change my schedule because of another teacher being absent, so I ran with it!

First, I pulled out these Groundhog information stories and questions from my Science and Social Studies for February set.

Shh, we had fun! I took a couple of days off from the required curriculum to enjoy learning about Groundhog Day and Day 100! This post offers resource ideas and has a freebie!

I always try to have some comprehension question that can be answered directly from the text, at least one "word work" question, and one or two "beyond the text" questions. (These are my favorite!)
Since this reading was challenging for some, we first read as a group. After a discussion, I broke the children into pairs, and they re-read, then answered the questions. I love to have them work in pairs, since they have valuable conversations, especially on the "beyond the text" questions!
I told them I'd pay particular attention to question #4. (How would you keep a groundhog from eating things in your garden?) This reflects a problem I had as a gardener: 
The hungry groundhog actually learned to climb the fence I put up!

Their answers were delightful! Although they weren't all realistic, they showed an understanding of the problem, and creativity in their solution! (Plus, almost all kids solved the problem in a non-violent way!)
Once they learned about groundhogs, I had them make groundhog puppets and settings, and they created their own skits for Groundhog Day.
Shh, we had fun! I took a couple of days off from the required curriculum to enjoy learning about Groundhog Day and Day 100! This post offers resource ideas and has a freebie!
This guy put a couple of things to frighten the groundhog: the shadow AND a fox! 

Shh, we had fun! I took a couple of days off from the required curriculum to enjoy learning about Groundhog Day and Day 100! This post offers resource ideas and has a freebie!
The kiddos were so clever when creating their burrows! Some even designed the inside of the burrow on the other side! (In their reading, they learned a lot about the design of the burrows!)

Shh, we had fun! I took a couple of days off from the required curriculum to enjoy learning about Groundhog Day and Day 100! This post offers resource ideas and has a freebie!
As they performed their skits, they showed creativity, a sense of humor, AND knowledge of groundhogs! You can't get this on a computer test!

The next day was Day 100. 

I've had a little tradition going on that I started about 20 years ago. We go from classroom to classroom singing Day 100 songs!

We have 4 songs we sing. Here's one of them:

Shh, we had fun! I took a couple of days off from the required curriculum to enjoy learning about Groundhog Day and Day 100! This post offers resource ideas and has a freebie!

Sorry, the other 3 aren't mine to give you! 
 They kept them in their book boxes and practiced them during reading time. (It was hard to keep them SILENT during independent reading!)

Shh, we had fun! I took a couple of days off from the required curriculum to enjoy learning about Groundhog Day and Day 100! This post offers resource ideas and has a freebie!
It was loads of fun going from class to class. They rarely get to go into the other classrooms, and they got to go into almost ALL the classrooms! They saw younger siblings, older siblings, former teachers, neighborhood friends, and loads of other people they know. The teachers, students, and staff were amazing audiences! They welcomed us into their classrooms, listened to the lyrics, and applauded for the children. 
Shh, we had fun! I took a couple of days off from the required curriculum to enjoy learning about Groundhog Day and Day 100! This post offers resource ideas and has a freebie!

My favorite part is seeing the smiles on the faces of my former students as they remember Day 100 caroling in past years!

Later that day, we played a couple of games and activities, including Mental Math 100. Up until now the children had only worked with 2 digit numbers, but I had them adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers, and with this game, they were even dealing with 4 digit numbers! And, of course, they were successful!
Shh, we had fun! I took a couple of days off from the required curriculum to enjoy learning about Groundhog Day and Day 100! This post offers resource ideas and has a freebie!

Shh, we had fun! I took a couple of days off from the required curriculum to enjoy learning about Groundhog Day and Day 100! This post offers resource ideas and has a freebie!

It was a huge boost on their mathematics self esteem, and a whole lot of fun!

It's not actually what the manual told me to do, but it was truly a great learning day. 

Hopefully, I can sneak in a few more of these!

Shh, we had fun! I took a couple of days off from the required curriculum to enjoy learning about Groundhog Day and Day 100! This post offers resource ideas and has a freebie!

February Books, Resources, and Deals!

Can you believe February is upon us? 

I've got a bunch of ideas to help you get ready!
February Books Resources, and Deals! February is a very busy month. This post has several books and resources to help keep the kids engaged!

Groundhog Day is February second. Will that groundhog see his shadow? Well, here's a groundhog that can predict the weather! (Amazon affiliate.)

Here's a collection of Groundhog learning activities the kiddos will love:
Explore this image for a link to this money-saving resource.

The image will bring you to the bundle, but you can also grab individual resources if you prefer.

Have you had Day 100? Ours will be this Wednesday. Here's a great Day 100 book! (Amazon affiliate.)

This is a game that challenges my second graders, and they love it! 

Explore this image for a link to this fun resource.

This is a great activity if you're going to be out: easy directions, and the kiddos LOVE it! And it's great for developing their number sense.  Here's another Day 100 activity for "older" kiddos to practice sets of 100 Count to 1,000 Booklet.

Explore this image for a link to this popular resource.

And a Day 100 Dollar Deal for active kids...just see the image! Beanie Toss to 100

Explore this image for a link to this fun Day 100 dollar deal!

Guess what else is coming soon... Mardi Gras! These worksheets, games, and activities will keep them busy AND learning! Mardi Gras No Prep Activities: Literacy and Math

Explore this image for a link to this fun Mardi Gras resource.

Valentine's Day is the same week! Here's my VERY favorite book to read on Valentine's Day! This one will warm your heart and the kid's hearts as well! (Amazon affiliate.)

And a Valentine's Day Dollar Deal!

Explore this image for a link to this fun dollar deal!

Here are a few fun books for Presidents Day! (Amazon affiliates.)
Here's a game to help your kids remember which American holiday is which! Which Patriotic Holiday?

Explore this image for a link to this valuable resource.

Here are plenty of activities for the kids with an American President theme! President's Day Games and Activities

Explore this image for a link to this fun resource.

Want to make life a whole lot easier and grab a big bargain?  Here's a bundle with several different activities

Explore this image for a link to this money- and time-saving resource!

Hope these items help you get through February!

February Books Resources, and Deals! February is a very busy month. This post has several books and resources to help keep the kids engaged!

Ten Ways to Stay Healthy

Teaching has many challenges! 

One of the big challenges is staying healthy! Winter is the worst since the kids (and teachers) are all cooped up inside, breathing the same air and touching the same germs. 

Ten Ways to Stay Healthy - There are things you can do to fight all those germs around us! Here are 10 things you can do! 

Here are ten things you can do to help fight germs and support your immune system.

Ten Ways to Stay Healthy - There are things you can do to fight all those germs around us! Here are 10 things you can do!
1. Wash your hands! We all know this is the #1 way to fight germs!

Ten Ways to Stay Healthy - There are things you can do to fight all those germs around us! Here are 10 things you can do!
2. Eat healthy! What you put into your body really does make a difference! Of course, we can't totally deny ourselves the "fun" foods, but most of the food you eat should be healthy. In particular, avoid processed foods. They're mostly chemicals and have very little nutrition that your body needs to fight germs.

Ten Ways to Stay Healthy - There are things you can do to fight all those germs around us! Here are 10 things you can do!
3. Exercise! Exercising helps your body in many ways. Many studies have proved that the same hormones produced while exercising help strengthen the immune system. (Plus, they make you feel happy: bonus!)

Ten Ways to Stay Healthy - There are things you can do to fight all those germs around us! Here are 10 things you can do!
4. Get fresh air daily! Yes, more studies have been done on the impact of fresh air on health, and it really does make a difference! Keeping all those kiddos (and teachers) cooped up all day breathing the same air just doesn't seem too healthy, does it?

Ten Ways to Stay Healthy - There are things you can do to fight all those germs around us! Here are 10 things you can do!
5. Get enough sleep! One night of insufficient sleep weakens the immune system. We need to keep that immune system strong since germs surround us!

Ten Ways to Stay Healthy - There are things you can do to fight all those germs around us! Here are 10 things you can do!
6. Avoid too much screen time! We need to avoid too much screen time because it keeps us from doing the things that help us stay healthy! (See the rest of this list!)

Ten Ways to Stay Healthy - There are things you can do to fight all those germs around us! Here are 10 things you can do!
7. Cope with stress! Laughter is a great way to cope with stress and help strengthen the immune system. (See THIS post.) Listening to "happy music" will also help melt that stress away! (See THIS post.)

Ten Ways to Stay Healthy - There are things you can do to fight all those germs around us! Here are 10 things you can do! 
8. Visit the doctor regularly! Keep up with your vaccinations and check-ups! (That includes the dentist and gyno for women!)

Ten Ways to Stay Healthy - There are things you can do to fight all those germs around us! Here are 10 things you can do!
9. Drink plenty of water! We all know the importance of drinking plenty of water, but teachers need to be careful about when they drink it. I tend to increase my intake when I'm about an hour from a bathroom break. 

Ten Ways to Stay Healthy - There are things you can do to fight all those germs around us! Here are 10 things you can do!
10. Strive to be happy! Being happy actually creates chemicals that help build the immune system
Check out THIS blog post for ways to be happy!

Here are some resources to help your students learn how to stay healthy:

If you cannot fight those germs, here are some tips to help you with Sub Plans!

Sub Plans

Ten Ways to Stay Healthy - There are things you can do to fight all those germs around us! Here are 10 things you can do!

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