Teaching has many challenges!
One of the big challenges is staying healthy! Winter is the worst since the kids (and teachers) are all cooped up inside, breathing the same air and touching the same germs.
Here are ten things you can do to help fight germs and support your immune system.
1. Wash your hands! We all know this is the #1 way to fight germs!
2. Eat healthy! What you put into your body really does make a difference! Of course, we can't totally deny ourselves the "fun" foods, but most of the food you eat should be healthy. In particular, avoid processed foods. They're mostly chemicals and have very little nutrition that your body needs to fight germs.
3. Exercise! Exercising helps your body in many ways. Many studies have proved that the same hormones produced while exercising help strengthen the immune system. (Plus, they make you feel happy: bonus!)
4. Get fresh air daily! Yes, more studies have been done on the impact of fresh air on health, and it really does make a difference! Keeping all those kiddos (and teachers) cooped up all day breathing the same air just doesn't seem too healthy, does it?
5. Get enough sleep! One night of insufficient sleep weakens the immune system. We need to keep that immune system strong since germs surround us!
6. Avoid too much screen time! Too much screen time keeps us from doing the things that help us stay healthy. (See the rest of this list!)
7. Cope with stress! Laughter is a great way to cope with stress and help strengthen the immune system. Listening to "happy music" will also help melt that stress away! (See THIS post.)
8. Visit the doctor regularly! Keep up with your vaccinations and check-ups! (That includes the dentist and gyno for women!)
9. Drink plenty of water! We all know the importance of drinking plenty of water, but teachers need to be careful about when they drink it. I tend to increase my intake when I'm about an hour from a bathroom break.
10. Strive to be happy! Being happy actually creates chemicals that help build the immune system!
Check out THIS blog post for ways to be happy!