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Showing posts with label April Fool's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label April Fool's Day. Show all posts

Resources for April!

I'm so glad to see the calendar finally turning to April! 

March has always been a long month, but April has a whole lot of fun learning to be had! 

Resources for April! If you'll be teaching in the month of April, this post has links to plenty of ideas, books, videos, and resources!

Here are links to blog posts for many of the events happening in April!

I've got plenty of April Fool's fun ideas in THIS blog post!
Looking for Science and Social Studies ideas for April?  
Easter is right around the corner. Here are a couple of blog posts to help you out! Easter Stories, Books, Music, and Fun Resources and An Easter Warning and an Easter Tradition.

Don't forget spring! Although we have snow predicted for this weekend here in New England, spring truly is trying to work it's way through this nasty weather! Be sure to check out these Spring Resources!

Plus, baseball season is starting up! If you have any baseball fans in your classroom, you'll have to checkout Baseball Fun!

For ideas and resources for Earth Day, see THIS link.
Many of my friends and coworkers agree, March was a very long month, but it's April, and there's a whole lot to look forward to! Maybe you can start the month winning some great stuff!

Resources for April! If you'll be teaching in the month of April, this post has links to plenty of ideas, books, videos, and resources!

My Plans for April Fool's Day

The laughter of children is one of my very favorite sounds!

That's why I go out of my way to hear it on April Fool's Day in my classroom!
My Plans for a Productive (and fun) April Fool's Day! Here are a couple of resources to help learning happen on April Fool's Day!

These are my plans for April Fool's Day!

Explore this image for a link to this fun resource!

This set has more than enough to spend the day on fun, silly activities, yet still squeeze in a little learning and skill work!

For math, there are story problems (with silly situations, of course!), three-digit mental math (adding hundreds) math fact review, and balancing equations-second grade style!

For word work, there's a great list of April Fool's day words, sentence writing, alphabetical order, compound words, and spelling practice.

There's an April Fool's themed writing practice.

For reading, there's prediction and visualizing.

This should keep those little guys busy, and happy, too! You'll be hearing that delightful laughter!

Just see the image for the link!

Explore this image for a link to this fun resource!

See this link, for this math resource, too! This is a sample of the larger resource above... just the math stories!

This resource is good for the whole year, but it's particularly enjoyable around April Fool's Day!

Looking for more April Fool's Day learning fun? 

Check out these other blog posts.

My Plans for a Productive (and fun) April Fool's Day! Here are a couple of resources to help learning happen on April Fool's Day!

That Day That Teachers Dread?

Did you realize April Fool's Day is coming??? Some teachers absolutely dread this day. Are you one of them?

I'm a true believer in any opportunity to laugh! As a matter of fact, laughter is healthy! (See THIS blog post on the benefits of laughter!)  It's also great for the brain! (See THIS blog post on brain fitness!)

I do enjoy making the kids laugh, and I enjoy their humor.  But I kind of like to "beat them to the punch".

I set the rules first thing: April Fool's Day is about making people laugh. It is NOT about making people mad.

I stuck around for a while after school today setting up some things that will hopefully lead to a few laughs.

I wrote the morning letter for Monday. I usually write about the morning routine, reminding them of their daily responsibilities, and if anything unusual were going to happen on that day. Monday's letter says we're going on a field trip to Disney World. The schedule is set up with the word "field trip" at the top, and nothing else!

Here's the date for Monday:  (They have actually earned 25 minutes, not 325!)
The Day That Teachers Dread? I'm one who looks forward to April Fool's Day in the classroom. Here are plenty reasons why, including some fun resources!

When you're 7, seeing things you normally see, but upside down, is pretty funny.  (Note the calendar arrow pointing to August, rather than April!)

The Day That Teachers Dread? I'm one who looks forward to April Fool's Day in the classroom. Here are plenty reasons why, including some fun resources!

Again, upside down is pretty funny when you're 7.
TThe Day That Teachers Dread? I'm one who looks forward to April Fool's Day in the classroom. Here are plenty of

  Some of the names and stations for the morning literacy block are upside down... great stuff.  

The Day That Teachers Dread? I'm one who looks forward to April Fool's Day in the classroom. Here are plenty reasons why, including some fun resources!

This is where we often put "exit slips" for reading.  They put a post it on their number, telling something about the story they read.  I put a post it with a personality trait on their numbers. Hopefully this will make them smile!

The Day That Teachers Dread? I'm one who looks forward to April Fool's Day in the classroom. Here are plenty reasons why, including some fun resources!

How do I bring April Fool's Day into reading?  I bring out my joke books! (These are affiliate links to Amazon.)
And, of course, who understands the sense of humor of a seven year old better than Robert Munsch? (More affiliate links to Amazon.)
How do I bring April Fool's day into Math?  With Problem-solving!  Check out my April Fool's Day Math  Stories!

Explore this image for a link to this fun resource!

Looking for more learning related to April Fool's Day?

Explore this image for a link to this popular resource!

Interestingly, I have several of the same ideas, plus a few more on last year's April Fool's Day post! HERE is the link to see that one!

This resource is good for the whole year, but it's particularly enjoyable around April Fool's Day!

Have a happy April Fool's Day!  
I hope you hear loads of laughter!

The Day That Teachers Dread? I'm one who looks forward to April Fool's Day in the classroom. Here are plenty of reasons why, including some fun resources!

Eight Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day

April Fool's Day is coming up! 

In some ways I'm glad. It's hard to pretend to be surprised every time one of my students tells me my shoe is untied or I have a spider on my head. But I'll be celebrating with my kids, since it's a day dedicated to laughing. Who couldn't use more of that?
8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

Plus, it's a great way to make school fun without losing out on learning! 

I tell my kids about GOOD jokes and BAD jokes.

GOOD jokes make people laugh.
BAD jokes make people mad or upset.  

Of course, only GOOD jokes are allowed in my classroom!

Here are some ideas to make the kids laugh:

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

Time for the joke books!  

I have quite a collection of them after over 30 years of teaching. They come out every April. The kids love them (even my little ones that don't actually "get" the humor!)

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

Pull out your favorite authors of funny books  

 Robert Munsch is spending some time in my classroom this week. I've been reading one every day!  (Stephanie's Ponytail is the one I read today - the kids couldn't get enough of it!) These are some of my favorite Robert Munsch books: (These are affiliate links to Amazon.)

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

Work silly things into every day work   

There are always opportunities to give examples of what is being learned. Throwing in something ridiculously silly just adds to the fun of learning. I do a lot of movement breaks in my classroom, so  you know the children will be walking like a winged kangaroo or something along those lines.

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

Do Math story problems with a very silly theme  

I find if I use the words "monkey" or "underwear", the children break into laughter. Make up an addition story about a monkey in striped underwear, and you're golden!

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

Check out some of the ideas on Pinterest for April Fool's Day. See THIS link! 

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

I like to "spice things up" on April Fool's Day by rearranging the classroom 

I turn a few posters upside down, turn a few desks around so that the kids can't reach their stuff. I'll find a kid with a good sense of humor and put his/ her desk completely in another part of the classroom, or even in the hallway. (Some kids are just too sensitive for that stuff, but there's always one or two that could handle it and even enjoy it!)

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

Mix up the schedule  

Other than specials and lunch, rearrange all the other parts of the day. Just be careful... there are some children that really rely on their routine. Be sensitive and don't overdo it!

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!
Replace their photographs with silly pictures 

If you have photographs of the children displayed in the classroom, put up a silly picture in its place. They'll giggle about this for days!

What are your ideas for April Fool's Day?

For more on April Fool's Day see:

8 Ways to Spice Up April Fool's Day! Here are 8 different ways for elementary children to have fun on April Fool's Day, but keep on learning as well!

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