Back to School Success Strategies Part 2: Build Relationships

It's getting closer to that time again. 

No matter where you are in your summer vacation, getting back is in your future. This series of posts is designed to make that return a bit smoother for you. 

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you build relationships.

Today is Part 2 in a five-part series about returning to school successfully.

Build Relationships

As teachers, we all know that building relationships is as important as the teaching itself! After all, if they don't know you care, they won't learn from you!

Morning Meetings are a great way to build relationships with students, and help them build relationships with each other! Interesting topics of discussion are great for getting them to develop oral language as well as building those bonds. 

It's also a good idea to find times to connect on a more personal level. It can be a challenge to find one-on-one time with them, but it's worth the effort! If the children are old enough, it's fun to let them write in a journal, which they'll pass in. They love when you write back a personal note! This can be build into the morning routine, or perhaps a part of writing or literacy time.

Here are some resources and ideas to help build relationships and connections: 

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you build relationships.

These games can be easily used in the classroom, and are perfect for Morning Meeting! Plus, many of these games can be adapted to topics of learning! 60 Team Building Games and Activities
This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you build relationships.

If you're not familiar with Boom Cards, it's time you hopped on this bandwagon! Why? They can be used on any device, since all you need to do is send a link. You can send the link through any platform! 

This set of Boom Cards lets the children answer questions about themselves, helping them get to know themselves a little better, and helping the teacher get to know them as well! (Don't tell them it's a great way to practice reading and writing skills, and the teacher can easily make assessments of their writing skills!) 

These can be done through distance learning, or in the classroom. It might be fun to bring this resource back a few times a year in order to see the growth and change the children are experiencing: Who Am I: Get to Know Your Students Boom Cards
This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you build relationships.

This game is amazingly popular, and really helps build relationships! The cards themselves make great questions for discussion, during Morning Meeting, or reading discussions! Get to Know You Board Game

I'm sure you have more ways to build relationships with students than I've listed here. Feel free to share your ideas in the comments below!

Be sure to read the other four parts of these Back to School Success Strategies!

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you establish routines.

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you build relationships.

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you review known skills.

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you watch out for their health.

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help watch out for their emotional health.

I imagine you're thinking of more strategies for building relationships!

 I hope you'll share some of these in the comments below.

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you build relationships.
Back to School Success Strategies Part 2: Build Relationships
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