Back to School Success Strategies Part 4: Watch their health!

It's getting closer to that time again. 

No matter where you are in your summer vacation, getting back is in your future. This series of posts is designed to make that return a bit smoother for you.

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you teach them about good health.

Today is Part 4 in a five part series about returning to school successfully.

Watch their health!

The last few years have been difficult. The pandemic has caused huge stress in the lives of our children (as well as us) and it's still around. Health and safety have always been the most important thing in our classroom, but now we are to be even more aware of keeping them healthy, and we can teach them how to look out for their own health.

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you teach them about good health.

As I've mentioned before, I'm a huge fan of Boom Learning Digital Task Cards for several reasons: they're easy to use, can be used on any device, they're easy to assign through different digital platforms, and most of all, the children LOVE them! This set of Boom Cards helps the students learn about bacteria and viruses and how to fight them. Germs: Viruses and Bacteria Boom Cards

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you teach them about good health.

This resource has an informational text with 10 questions, 6 brain breaks, and 4 sketching questions. Germs: Reading Comprehension for Active Learners

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you teach them about good health.

Here's another Boom Learning Resource! This one helps the children understand what they can do to help fight germs and maintain healthy habits: Healthy Habits Boom Cards

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you teach them about good health.

Finally, here's an informational booklet the children can read, learn, and illustrate. This can be easily sent home, or read, discussed, and illustrated in class. If they can keep socially distant, it's fun for them to make posters to show what they have learned! Healthy Habits Informational Text Booklet

Be sure to read the other four parts of these Back to School Success Strategies!

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you establish routines.

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you build relationships.

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you review known skills.

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you watch out for their health.

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help watch out for their emotional health.

I imagine you're thinking of more ways to watch out for their health.

I hope you'll share some of these in the comments below.

This is a series of 5 posts designed to make the return smooth and successful. This post has some ideas that will help you teach them about good health.

Back to School Success Strategies Part 4: Watch their health!
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