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Ideas to Help Get the New School Year Started

Looking for ideas to start the new year? 

Every year, when the calendar turns to August, I start thinking about how I want to make the new school year the very best one yet! (Apologies to those who have already started this year... I'm sure you went through this in July, when people around here were just starting their vacation!)

I have a feeling I'm not alone in trying to "beat" last year's opening!

I have plenty of ideas to share, some are my own blog posts, and some are from my teacher/ blogger friends!

Here is a fun Math icebreaker by Brenda of Enjoy Teaching with Brenda Kovich!

Here are some great suggestions for Back to School Night from Two Boys and a Dad!

Building community is essential at the beginning of the school year. Here are some great ideas from Michelle of

I've spent 40 years in the classroom, and have built up a whole lot of "tricks" up my sleeve! Here are some of my favorite blog posts from "Back to School" in years past:


Another favorite, having experienced plenty of "back to school" first days!

For those of you who AREN'T interior decorators in your spare time:

I've made this promise as far back as I can recall. It helps them understand why they're there, and what they can do to make school a positive experience: My First Day of School Promise

Ideas to Help Get the New School Year Started: After many "first days of school", here are several "back to school" ideas to make this year the best year ever!

This is a fabulous book to read on the first day, plus there's a freebie!


 There's a freebie with this post as well!

Speaking of freebies, here are ten, that will hopefully help you get started for the year:
 I hope these links help you get organized and awesome! 

If they do, please pin for your friends to see!

Ideas to Help Get the New School Year Started: After many "first days of school", here are several "back to school" ideas to make this year the best year ever!

Space Balls: Build Community and Team Building as Well as Imagination and Concentration!

Space Balls: 

It sounds like something odd, but it really is as simple as can be!
Space Balls are balls that are made up of nothing but space!

This engaging game is perfect for children of all ages, fostering teamwork, concentration, and creativity. The best part? No materials are required, so the fun can begin anytime, anywhere! Space Balls will have children working together, staying focused, and letting their creativity soar.

Space Balls is a great game for team building, but also works on focus, concentration, and imagination! It works well in morning meeting, or any time of day they need a break.

This engaging game is perfect for children of all ages, fostering teamwork, concentration, and creativity. The best part? No materials are required, so the fun can begin anytime, anywhere! Space Balls will have children working together, staying focused, and letting their creativity soar.

To start, establish what a space ball actually is: a ball made of space! Since you can't see the ball, it's important to show the size, shape, and weight of the ball by the way you hold the ball. 

This engaging game is perfect for children of all ages, fostering teamwork, concentration, and creativity. The best part? No materials are required, so the fun can begin anytime, anywhere! Space Balls will have children working together, staying focused, and letting their creativity soar.

Then, slowly pass the space ball around the circle. 
Students should watch to see that the ball maintains its size and shape. 

For many students, that's enough for the first time.

Later, or on another day, introduce a "new" space ball, and review the concept by passing the ball around the circle again. Make the new space ball somewhat different from the first one. (smaller, heavier, etc.)

When the ball completes the circle, it's a good time to break the group into groups of 2 or 3 to play catch with the space balls. (Have some fun passing out space balls to each small group! Encourage their creativity by asking what sort of ball they want, then slowly taking that ball out of your "box" for them to see!)

Another option is to toss the space ball to someone across the circle. (See photo at top.) In these cases, remind the children to show the size and shape of the ball, remembering to maintain the size and shape.

This engaging game is perfect for children of all ages, fostering teamwork, concentration, and creativity. The best part? No materials are required, so the fun can begin anytime, anywhere! Space Balls will have children working together, staying focused, and letting their creativity soar.

On another day, introduce the idea of changing the space ball. Model squishing the space into a very small ball, or stretching it into a very large ball. The space can also become quite heavy (grunting is encouraged) or it can become quite light like a balloon. The students' hands and body language should always show the size, shape, and weight of the space ball, so their partner can follow. 

This engaging game is perfect for children of all ages, fostering teamwork, concentration, and creativity. The best part? No materials are required, so the fun can begin anytime, anywhere! Space Balls will have children working together, staying focused, and letting their creativity soar.

Now it's time to let the children be creative: pass a space ball around the circle, letting children change the space ball any way they want to.  The students should be very clear in taking the space ball from the previous person, maintaining its shape, then showing the group how they are changing the space ball.

 I'll bet you (or your students) can think of more variations of "Space Balls!" 

Can you think of a way to include curriculum concepts?
Please share these variations in the comments!

You might even see them playing it at recess time!

Looking for some other team building games?  


Looking for something that can be used for socially distant or remote learning? 

This engaging game is perfect for children of all ages, fostering teamwork, concentration, and creativity. The best part? No materials are required, so the fun can begin anytime, anywhere! Space Balls will have children working together, staying focused, and letting their creativity soar.

Side note: the teacher in the photo above is my daughter playing space balls with her students at summer music camp! She has her own blog, Me vs Rent!

Predictability and Novelty

Children will not learn until their needs are met. These are two of the most important needs of children:

Predictability and Novelty: Here are some ideas for teachers to help reach these two needs in their students.

 Predictability and Novelty.
Yes, I know what you're thinking, those words are opposites, how can a child need both?

Well, yes, they need each. 

They need a classroom that's predictable. This is a source of security for children. They need to know what to expect. They need to know what's coming up. They need routine.

The first month or so of school is when most classroom routines are established: entering the classroom, morning routines, lunch count, taking attendance, moving between classes, bathroom procedures, lunch procedure, dismissal, recess, and so on. Once these routines are established, the children feel secure in their routines, know what to expect and feel safe. Now the REAL teaching can begin!

For more ideas on teaching procedures, see this blog post: Tips for Teaching Procedures

The trouble with routine, is that it gets boring. They need a change of pace and new experiences. That's when novelty is needed.

Predictability and Novelty: Here are some ideas for teachers to help reach these two needs in their students.
Novelty is the way to shake things up! When boredom sets in, the brain tunes out, so it's the job of the teacher to keep things alive. 

Here are some ways to shake things up in the classroom:
Have a backwards day
Change the seating arrangement
Theme days or theme weeks
Create a new routine
Establish higher expectations
Swap classrooms with another teacher for the day
Rearrange or add to your classroom library
Ask your students for ideas

Here's a resource where you can establish a "safe" routine, raise expectations, and it changes every single day, so it never gets boring: Daily Questions for Team Building, Morning Meetings, and Daily Writing Prompts 

Predictability and Novelty: Here are some ideas for teachers to help reach these two needs in their students.

And by the way, it's not just children that have these two needs!

Predictability and Novelty: Here are some ideas for teachers to help reach these two needs in their students.

A Few Summer Dollar Deals!

Ah, summer! Isn't it a wonderful time of year? 

Summer is the time of year when most people enjoy going to the beach, going camping, or maybe just hanging out with friends. It's a great time to be outside!
A Few Summer Dollar Deals! This post shares 7 dollar deals and 5 freebies that can be used at the end of the school year, during summer school, or in the early days of autumn!

If you're still in school or working with kids during the summer, you're probably looking for things to do with the kids that also allow you to enjoy the summer! 

Well, I've got a few resources for you, and guess what... they're all dollar deals or free!

This is great for team building, plus important end-of-the-year review! (And perfect for an Olympic year!)

A Few Summer Dollar Deals! This post shares 7 dollar deals and 5 freebies that can be used at the end of the school year, during summer school, or in the early days of autumn!

Here's a science experiment, perfect for warm weather!

A Few Summer Dollar Deals! This post shares 7 dollar deals and 5 freebies that can be used at the end of the school year, during summer school, or in the early days of autumn!

Team Building is important all year!

A Few Summer Dollar Deals! This post shares 7 dollar deals and 5 freebies that can be used at the end of the school year, during summer school, or in the early days of autumn!

Themed paper can encourage children to write their stories!

Writing Paper With a Camping Theme

A Few Summer Dollar Deals! This post shares 7 dollar deals and 5 freebies that can be used at the end of the school year, during summer school, or in the early days of autumn!

A Few Summer Dollar Deals! This post shares 7 dollar deals and 5 freebies that can be used at the end of the school year, during summer school, or in the early days of autumn!

This Boom Learning resource is totally free! Plus, it can be used any time of year for building general knowledge! (July birthdays love it!)

A Few Summer Dollar Deals! This post shares 7 dollar deals and 5 freebies that can be used at the end of the school year, during summer school, or in the early days of autumn!

Here are two different fun ways to practice mapping skills in the summer!!

A Few Summer Dollar Deals! This post shares 7 dollar deals and 5 freebies that can be used at the end of the school year, during summer school, or in the early days of autumn!

Mapping with an ocean theme

A Few Summer Dollar Deals! This post shares 7 dollar deals and 5 freebies that can be used at the end of the school year, during summer school, or in the early days of autumn!

This resource helps children learn about their learning!

A Few Summer Dollar Deals! This post shares 7 dollar deals and 5 freebies that can be used at the end of the school year, during summer school, or in the early days of autumn!

Another totally free resource for July! Thinking questions and/ or writing prompts for every day of the month!

A Few Summer Dollar Deals! This post shares 7 dollar deals and 5 freebies that can be used at the end of the school year, during summer school, or in the early days of autumn!

These questions are perfect to get students talking about the books they read or listen to! They work for any book!

A Few Summer Dollar Deals! This post shares 7 dollar deals and 5 freebies that can be used at the end of the school year, during summer school, or in the early days of autumn!

This game is a favorite! They can play over and over, and practice adding 3 addends!

A Few Summer Dollar Deals! This post shares 7 dollar deals and 5 freebies that can be used at the end of the school year, during summer school, or in the early days of autumn!

If you're teaching at all during the summer months, I'm hoping these resources help make your life easier!

These deals give you a little more time to enjoy the summer weather and make your teacher life easier!

A Few Summer Dollar Deals! This post shares 7 dollar deals and 5 freebies that can be used at the end of the school year, during summer school, or in the early days of autumn!

Communication With Parents

Communicating with parents can be a challenge, for many reasons! 

Communication With Parents: Here are 7 ideas for opening and maintaining positive communication between teachers and parents.

It’s important to keep that communication open, but you don’t want parents to feel inadequate or make them feel inferior. The last thing you want to do is make them feel like you don’t believe in their competence as parents!

I have seven suggestions for maintaining positive communication with parents:

Communication With Parents: Here are 7 ideas for opening and maintaining positive communication between teachers and parents.
Start your communication routine at the beginning of the school year. You might write weekly or monthly newsletters. You might call or text a few parents each week, or you might do individual notes or messages. Whatever it is you choose to do, make sure the parents will expect what's coming and when it's coming. That way, they'll anticipate the communication and be ready for it.

Here's a link to a blog post going into more detail about a routine for communication: Getting Parents to Read Your Notes!
Communication With Parents: Here are 7 ideas for opening and maintaining positive communication between teachers and parents.

Communication With Parents: Here are 7 ideas for opening and maintaining positive communication between teachers and parents.

Be sure to mention how hard it is to be a parent, and how busy they must be! Be sure to ask basic family questions about siblings, jobs, pets, and hobbies. The more you know about them, the more you'll have to talk about! If you show an interest in who they are, it helps keep the communication open!

Communication With Parents: Here are 7 ideas for opening and maintaining positive communication between teachers and parents.
This works with notes, texts, phone calls, and face-to-face conversations! No matter what the context or purpose of the communication might be, there's got to be something the child is doing well. It might be as simple as... "I really enjoy working with Johnny." or "Mary always walks into the classroom with a smile." 

It's not a bad idea to end the communication the same way, along with a "Thank you" of course!

Communication With Parents: Here are 7 ideas for opening and maintaining positive communication between teachers and parents.
 Parents are mostly interested in what their child is doing, but also are interested in what the class is studying! 

Here's a piece of advice I got when I was a beginning teacher, a very long ago. If a child isn't doing well on a skill, they are "working on it." Rather than, "Mark is struggling with his math facts," or "Jenny doesn't remember her short vowel sounds," I'd say, "Mark is working on his math facts," and "Jenny is working on remembering the different vowel sounds." 

And of course: "Brian really enjoyed our unit on Earth Changes."

Communication With Parents: Here are 7 ideas for opening and maintaining positive communication between teachers and parents.
Children enjoy being part of the communication. Of course, they love their parents and want their parents to know their successes in school.  Quite often I'll send home a quick note asking the parents to ask their child about a situation. It might sound like this: "Ask Emma about how she helped her classmate today." or "Be sure to ask Randy about his thoughts on South America."

Communication With Parents: Here are 7 ideas for opening and maintaining positive communication between teachers and parents.
Communicating with parents is a two-way street. They are the experts on their child and know things the child might hide from their teacher.

Yes, it's true. No matter how loving or nurturing a teacher might be, the child holds back information.

There's an easy explanation for this: the parent gives unconditional love, and the child lets the parent know when they're upset. Often the same child will see the teacher's love as conditional, so they hide their feelings, afraid the teacher won't like them anymore. I've experienced this many times, both as a parent and as a teacher. 

I've learned many things about my students that I never would have known without those conversations with the parents. It's definitely worth the time to understand your students better!

Communication With Parents: Here are 7 ideas for opening and maintaining positive communication between teachers and parents.
It's tough to give parents advice on parenting, isn't it? (Especially if you're not a parent yourself!) I find it best to "pass the buck" and refer them to links, books, or research that was developed by someone else. 

Communication With Parents: Here are 7 ideas for opening and maintaining positive communication between teachers and parents.

Each month has research-based information that parents can use to help guide their child and make your life a little bit easier. Each brochure contains links to articles, ideas, suggestions, seasonal quotes, jokes, and even tips for family fun!

If you're interested, here are links to more blog posts about parent-teacher communication:

Communication With Parents: Here are 7 ideas for opening and maintaining positive communication between teachers and parents.

Communication With Parents: Here are 7 ideas for opening and maintaining positive communication between teachers and parents.

Communication With Parents: Here are 7 ideas for opening and maintaining positive communication between teachers and parents.

Communication With Parents: Here are 7 ideas for opening and maintaining positive communication between teachers and parents.
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