Valentine Fun

What is it about Valentine's Day that's so much fun for kids?  They're not involved in roman…

Myers Briggs Personality Types

I got my master's degree in the late 80s in Creative Arts in Learning. It was a fabulous program wi…

Number Sense with Cuisenaire Rods

Although I teach second grade, I still have some kids who really need some basic number sense! These are the …

Are You Ready for Day 100?

Holy cow, Day 100 is right around the corner!    There are loads of ideas on Pinterest and teaching blogs …

Writing Thank You Notes

When we left before our holiday vacation, we had just had our holiday party, and lots of gifts were given …

How NOT to Read Fluently

Today, my students spent some of our reading time practicing fluency. Especially at this time of year, I go o…

Hanukkah Game Board

Looking for a little something to help your kids celebrate Hanukkah?   This game can be used in many ways in…