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Showing posts with label starring kindness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label starring kindness. Show all posts

Share the "Thank You" Wave!

There are a lot of angry people in this world, have you noticed?
Share the "Thank You" Wave! A simple act of kindness is the best example you can give children! 

 I'm not so sure we can change all the anger in the world, but I truly believe, if we do our part, we can help people be kinder.

I suggest by starting with the Thank You wave.

You know that wave people give when a car stops to let a pedestrian pass?

Or when a car lets a person into a line of traffic?

A Thank You wave is called for! 

It's a simple gesture, yet it makes people feel good!

So, why don't people do it more often?

Here's my challenge for you: see how many opportunities you can find to do that Thank You wave! See if you can make someone smile, and hopefully, that will make you smile as well!

Now, I know what you're wondering, what does a blog for elementary teachers have to do with a Thank You wave? Well, the only way we're going to teach children about kindness is through example! Be a good example for kindness!

And by the way, when that car stops to let you cross the street? Besides doing the Thank You wave, hustle! They're waiting for you, show kindness back to them by not making them wait!

Share the "Thank You" Wave! A simple act of kindness is the best example you can give children!

Seven Steps to a Happy Last Day of School - Part 7: Enjoy them

You may not be getting much sleep, trying to fit in all those end-of-the-year expectations, but hang in there, there's a light at the end of the tunnel!

Seven Steps to a Happy Last Day of School - Part 7: Enjoy them! This post suggests a Reader's theater resource about kindness!

For the past 6 days, I've been sharing ideas to have a Happy Last Day of School. 

You can read about Step One here:  Read Your Favorite Book
You can read about Step Two here: Leave Out a Few Favorite Games.

You can read about the third strategy here: Keep Out a Few Decks of Playing Cards.

You can read about Step Four here: Keep Out a Handful of Whiteboards, Markers, and Erasers.

Read about Step Six here: Find One-On-One Time With Each Student.

Now, here is Step Seven!

Seven Steps to a Happy Last Day of School - Part 7: Enjoy them! This post suggests a Reader's theater resource about kindness!

That's really what it's all about, isn't it?

Push away all the thoughts of what still needs to be done such as packing, test scores, end-of-the-year meetings, end-of-the-year record keeping, and all the rest.  

Take the time to enjoy the kids. 

I'll admit, I've never had a "last day" where I didn't get choked up saying goodbye to the children. (And I've been teaching forever!) 

They are the ones that matter after all the craziness of everything else!

It's really all about the kids. 
Remember that. 
Enjoy them!

Enjoy this Reader's Theater kindness:

Seven Steps to a Happy Last Day of School - Part 7: Enjoy them! This post suggests a Reader's theater resource about kindness!

This resource is available for free by signing up for my helpful emails HERE.

Here's a link to all 7 steps to a happy last day of school:

 Seven Steps to a Happy Last Day of School - Part 7: Enjoy them! This post suggests a Reader's theater resource about kindness!

What Can We Do About the Violence?

As most of you, I've been very upset by yet another school shooting. I'm frustrated, but I'm trying to come up with things we can do about it.

As most of you, I've been very upset by yet another school shooting.

I've been upset by all the mass shootings we've had in our country in the last few years.

All those children that won't be coming home.
All those parents that can no longer hug their children.
All those children who survived, yet see the scene over and over again in their heads.

It's all too much to bear.

Letting this continue is unacceptable.

What can we do about it?

I know there are many responsible gun owners out there who are afraid of losing their guns. 

There's no way I'd ever suggest that! 

Arming teachers? As a teacher myself, I know there are a lot of us who could NEVER fire that gun, and would feel real uncomfortable having one in a classroom where there are small children. It might be my Catholic School background, but I believe "Thou shall not kill" is not negotiable.

I could never live with myself if I shot someone. 

Other teachers might feel differently. I just couldn't.

If you feel as strongly as I do about protecting our students, you can contact your senators and congressmen through THIS LINK.

You can find them through THIS LINK.

Or,  you could donate at THIS LINK.

What else can we do?

We can make our children feel safe. This is a tough one, since we honestly know the next school could be your school. It could happen anywhere. 

But we need to let them know you will protect them. 

(As we all know teachers will, the best they can!)

This video is worth watching. It's a song I sang with my singing group years ago, which answers the question, "What can we do when there's nothing left to do?"

We Can be Kind.

In honor of the need for kindness, this resource, (which typically costs $4.50) will be free through tomorrow (February 16, 2018) It's readers theatre, where children have typical school conflicts, and the ending is created by the audience, using kindness. I hope it brings more kindness into your life!
As most of you, I've been very upset by yet another school shooting. I'm frustrated, but I'm trying to come up with things we can do about it.

I honestly hope the killings stop, and students, parents, and teachers feel safer in school.

I'm not going to stop praying, but it's no longer enough. 

We need to act!

As most of you, I've been very upset by yet another school shooting. I'm frustrated, but I'm trying to come up with things we can do about it.
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