Looking for some ways to strengthen math skills?
Brain research proves that getting the emotions involved helps the memory. (Think back to those very emotional times of your own life... they bring back strong memories, don't they? Think: weddings, babies, holidays)
It's also important that children spend some time in conversation. Brain research proves that, and as classroom teachers, we know we need to let them talk... sometimes!
It's also important that children spend some time in conversation. Brain research proves that, and as classroom teachers, we know we need to let them talk... sometimes!
For those reasons, I make sure my kids play plenty of math games. There are so many math skills that need to be repeated to be strengthened, and games can be played again and again!
The game above is one my students have played for more than 20 years. The kids love it, and it's a great way to practice 2 digit addition, with a little bit of luck and strategy involved.
Here's another Math Game. I made the above game one summer when I was helping out my friend with his golf camp and got inspired. (Some teachers just can't let go, can we?)
This one is easy, fun, and has lots of variations!
This one is perfect for those kiddos that need to move!
Here's a reminder of all those facts children need to learn! Hopefully, these games will help them learn these!
Over the years, as I've been blogging, I keep coming back to games. Here are a few other posts that might interest you about games:
Want a little something digital?
Here are a couple of posts specific to learning math facts:
Learning Math Facts With Cuisenaire Rods
Making Addition and Subtraction Facts Stick
For those all-important math facts, try these fluency systems: