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Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts

15 Ways to Be Happy

I've done all the typical resolutions. I've done the "lose weight" resolution pretty much every year. I've done the "eat well", "exercise", "get organized", "manage your time better", "stress less", and "be the best you can be" resolutions for each new year. Enough!

These aren't bad resolutions, but I'm planning something a bit different.

My plan? 

I want to be happy. 

Not only me, but I want to bring others along with me!

15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy?  Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!

Honestly, it's quite a challenge for teachers (as well as students) to be happy these days. Our days seem to evolve around test scores, and never about the true needs of the children, which can be heartbreaking to those of us who have always wanted the best for children. But I believe it can be done. (Did I mention that I also believe it will get better? I'll never stop believing that!)

As many of you know, I do a lot of reading about the brain and how children learn. Have I mentioned I also have read a lot about what makes people happy?  There's a lot of research out there!

Here are some scientifically researched ways to be happy:

15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy? Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!

Show Kindness - Evidence shows we can feel happier simply by showing a kindness to others. Try giving a compliment to someone and see how that makes you feel!
Practice Gratitude - I've read a great deal of research on the benefits of gratitude. Take time to think about your blessings.

15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy? Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!
Cooperate, Don't Compete - How can you help someone else have success? We are NOT in competition with each other!
15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy? Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!
Happiness is Contagious - If you are happy, it helps those around you to be happy!

15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy? Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!
Be Positive - Keep a positive mindset. Believe you can be happy!

15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy? Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!
Know Your Strengths -  Everyone is good at some things. What are your strengths?

15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy? Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!
Get Enough Sleep - This seems pretty obvious, but if you don't get enough sleep, you'll be miserable in many ways. Although it's not always in our control, do your best to get enough sleep. If necessary, find time for a nap!
15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy? Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!
Listen to Music - There have been many studies connecting music with our moods. I'm sure you can name a few songs that put you in a good mood immediately when you hear them. 

15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy? Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!
Have Something to Look Forward To - I've always noticed that I'm in a better mood if I have something I'm looking forward to. It might be a trip, a get-together, or even a TV show! Now there's scientific research to back this up!

15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy? Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!
Laugh - There are plenty of benefits to laughter (See THIS post!) Be sure to take plenty of opportunities to laugh each day!
15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy? Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!
Meditate -  This can mean many things to many people. Whether it means praying, quiet time, time to reflect, or just "down time", it is needed. With our very busy lives, it's more needed than ever!
15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy? Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!
Exercise - I'm sure you know all about how exercise produces endorphins. These are the "happy chemicals" that make you feel good. Seriously, don't you feel better after a workout? 
15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy? Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!
Reduce Stress - Many of the ideas listed in this post will help you reduce stress. We can't make it go away, but we can do our best to control the stress we have. Here are several ways: deep breathing, soft music, meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, laughter, exercise, chewing gum, taking a nap, hugging, kissing, or taking part in an outlet like painting, dancing, or writing.

15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy? Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!
Be With Good People - The companionship of true friends or family can't be replaced. Spend time daily enjoying the company of good people.

15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy? Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!
Spend Time with An Animal - No one can argue about the joy of a loving animal! Puppies are even used in hospitals for therapy!

These are just a few ways to help yourself (or others) be happy. 

Here's what I made to help my students be happy: 

15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy?  Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!

15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy?  Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!

15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy?  Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!

15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy?  Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!

These are great to hand out at morning meeting, discuss, then let the children wear them home to share with family. Maybe it will help their families be happy too!

Here's a little resource to help children be happy: Gratitude Journal Labels!

15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy?  Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!

15 Ways to Be Happy - Do you want to be happy?  Do you want your students to be happy? Here are some researched strategies!

My Secret Ingredient to Open House Success

I've been through lots of Open Houses.  The purpose of the Open House is usually to let parents know what's going on in school. There are loads of blog posts about setting up your classroom, scavenger hunts, parent stations, brochures, and presentations.

My Secret Ingredient for a Successful Open House: There are plenty of great Open House ideas out there, but this one will have everyone feeling great!
I do all those things, leave plenty of things for parents to take with them and get to know my classroom and my procedures.
But I do something else that seems to be an added extra that makes a difference: 

I play happy music!

You know, that kind of music that just makes people feel good. 

I got this idea years ago when I went to an all-day conference and was walking into my "mid-afternoon" seminar with dread: it's a tough time of day, and I was feeling like I'd prefer to take a nap.

When I walked into the room, the presenter was playing "happy music". I don't remember the specific song, but I remember it made me feel like moving.

I immediately felt a smile on my face, and I looked around the room and everyone else was smiling and moving to the music. 

Research tells us music can affect our feelings. 
So I play "happy music" to help people feel good about my classroom.

THIS POST has a freebie list of song ideas to download!

It works!
What music makes you feel happy?

My Secret Ingredient for a Successful Open House: There are plenty of great Open House ideas out there, but this one will have everyone feeling great!

Happy Music

Music is magical! Music  can change our moods. Music can lift your spirits, and bring you out of your doldrums. 

A few months ago I posted about Music for the classroom. I gave ideas for music to play for optimum learning, and why it is important for learning. You can read that post HERE.

Happy Music! This post discusses the effect music has on emotions, and suggests playing happy music in the classroom. It includes a freebie list of "feel good" music.
Today I wanted to focus more on the happy music. You know, the music to have playing while the students arrive in the morning (see THIS post) or during an Open House.

Below you'll see several links for the kind of music I play in my classrooms when "happy music" is needed. As the children walk into the room in the morning, I want them feeling good, so I play happy music. I also play happy music during brain breaks, or any point in the day where children seem to need a "lift".

We also have an Open House coming up soon. The children come with their parents to meet their teacher for the first time. I usually have some fun things for the children to do when they get there, but you can be sure I'll have some fun music playing in the background! It gives a happy feel to the entire room! 

Here are a few ideas for fun music.

Music collections designed for kids!

I find "oldies" collections are great fun for all generations.  The Big Band stuff is fantastic in the classroom, and who doesn't love the Andrews Sisters?

Here's a list of fun stuff I have on my ipad, that I play just to put myself in a good mood.  (You know, cleaning, setting up the classroom, when you need a lift!) It works for kids, too!

Most of these are "classic rock" you can't miss playing this music!
Happy Music! This post discusses the effect music has on emotions, and suggests playing happy music in the classroom. It includes a freebie list of "feel good" music.
See HERE to download my list.

What music makes you happy? What music do you play in the classroom?

Happy Music! This post discusses the effect music has on emotions, and suggests playing happy music in the classroom. It includes a freebie list of "feel good" music.

How to Have Them Ready to Learn When They Walk Into the Classroom

Everything I've read about brain research and memory tells me that there are strong ties between the memory and emotion. 

How to Have Them Ready to Learn When They Walk Into the Classroom: Here's a little trick I learned that can be used with any age group. It's great for Open House nights, too!

As an experienced teacher, it's clear that children will remember events that are associated with emotional events. Personally, I prefer to keep that emotion a happy one while in the classroom. (Although I'll bet everyone reading this remembers events from extremely unhappy times, I'll leave those negative emotions to a power higher than myself... hopefully it's not the principal!)

I remember, a long time ago, I walked into a workshop after a long day of workshops. It was a long morning, and we were fed a good lunch. This was mid afternoon, the time when many countries like to take a siesta, and the rest of us wish we could. 

As I walked to the room for my next workshop, I was seriously thinking of sneaking out to find a place I could slip in a little nap. I walked into the room, and I heard music playing. Not your typical "little kid" music, but fun music, the kind you'd hear at a party. Immediately I started smiling and happily found a seat, smiling at the other teachers in the room, who were also smiling. I saw lots of other people do the same... looking around, smiling, moving to the music, chatting happily... can you picture it?

When the workshop started, we were all in grand moods. I still wonder if I would have enjoyed that workshop as much, or even been able to stay awake, if it weren't for the "feel good" music while we were arriving. 

I've remembered this moment many times. I've collected a number of classic "feel good" songs that I like to play when the children enter the classroom. These songs always bring smiles to faces. Even though they hate to see it end, they settle right down ready to work after the happy music. 

I find this music is great for Open Houses, too. It's nice to see those parents smiling. I'm preparing my music for this Monday's Open House... it's their first impression of me, and I want it to be a good one!

What music makes you feel good? Here is one of mine! I can't help but smile when I hear Aretha!

HERE's a freebie with a list of many of the songs I use:
How to Have Them Ready to Learn When They Walk Into the Classroom: Here's a little trick I learned that can be used with any age group. It's great for Open House nights, too!

What music do you like to play that makes people feel good?

How to Have Them Ready to Learn When They Walk Into the Classroom: Here's a little trick I learned that can be used with any age group. It's great for Open House nights, too!

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