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Showing posts with label football. Show all posts
Showing posts with label football. Show all posts

November Deals

Somehow, November is here already! 

Here are a few Dollar Deal resources to help get you through this busy month! 

November Deals: It's already November, so here are some amazing deals and a couple of free resources to get you going!

We start the month with a couple of Patriotic Holidays: Election Day and Veterans Day! Here are a couple of freebies to help you out with these special days: 
(Explore each image for the link!)

Write some thank you letters to our Veterans! (This one is free!)
November Deals: It's already November, so here are some amazing deals and a couple of free resources to get you going!

 Celebrate Election Day the way children should!
 Take breaks and learn about the country at the same time!

November Deals: It's already November, so here are some amazing deals and a couple of free resources to get you going!

Help children distinguish between these 6 tricky Patriotic Holidays!
November Deals: It's already November, so here are some amazing deals and a couple of free resources to get you going!

Of course, it's football season! Here's a football-themed game to practice counting to 1,000! 
November Deals: It's already November, so here are some amazing deals and a couple of free resources to get you going!
 This game is a true favorite with my kiddos! It's played like "Old Maid", and is guaranteed to get them giggling! (Don't tell them they're practicing an important skill!)

November Deals: It's already November, so here are some amazing deals and a couple of free resources to get you going!

Enjoy this busy month... don't blink, it goes by fast!

November Deals: It's already November, so here are some amazing deals and a couple of free resources to get you going!

Are you ready for the big game?

If you're like me, you're taking advantage of the enthusiasm for the big game coming up!

It's Super Bowl time! Take advantage of the children's enthusiasm and let them enjoy some football themed learning experiences!

When children are excited about something, I always try to bring it into the classroom when I can. Books are a great place to start. (Click each image for a link to Amazon.)

There's a ton of kid-related Super Bowl videos on YouTube. Just google "Super Bowl for Kids!"

Here's one I found. The commercials are often the best part of the Super Bowl. I'm thinking I might have the children vote on their favorite. then make a graph of the voting. 

12 Funniest Super Bowl Commercials of all time

I'm sure you can find more YouTube videos that you can relate to classwork!

Here's a Super Bowl freebie with mapping and writing! Just explore the image.

Explore this image for a link to this 2024 Freebie!

Here's a football-themed gameboard, with 4 different games that could be played on it.

Explore this image for a link to this fun set of 4 football-themed games!

Here's a dollar version of the above game, which practices Counting to 1,000. Just explore the image for the dollar deal!

Explore this image for a link to this fun counting game!

This game can be played a few different ways, and always has the children giggling! All the verbs are football-related, too! Football Past and Present Verbs.

Explore this image for a link to this football themed verb game.

I also have a couple of "twin" football BINGO games. This math game practices adding and subtracting tens.

Explore this image for a link to this football themed Bingo game

Here's the literacy "twin," Touchdown R-Controlled Vowels

Explore this image for a link to this popular football-themed bingo game

Looking for a little more math practice? Check this one out: 

Explore this image for a link to this popular math story resource!

Now here's the fun: all these football-themed resources are now bundled at a great discount!

Explore this image for a link to this money-saving football bundle!

With the excitement of the Super Bowl, having football-related games will keep them engaged, and they might not realize that they are practicing important skills!

It's Super Bowl time! Take advantage of the children's enthusiasm and let them enjoy some football themed learning experiences!

October Resources

It feels like we just started school, and already we're looking at October in the not-so-far distance. 

October Resources: Here are several resources, including a few freebies, to help your students learn with seasonal fun! (Fire Safety Week, autumn, football, and Halloween!)

October brings fall, Fire Safety Week, football, and, of course, Halloween!

Brain research tells us that if children can make a connection with their learning, then learning will happen. I find most children can easily make a connection with special days and sports, which makes them more enthusiastic about learning! In face, I'm banking on their enthusiasm, and I have plenty of resources to celebrate learning and building skills in a fun way!

Teachers can project these questions as the children arrive in the morning to get them thinking about the day. They can also be used as daily writing prompts.

October Resources: Here are several resources, including a few freebies, to help your students learn with seasonal fun! (Fire Safety Week, autumn, football, and Halloween!)

The above resource is related to this fun October trivia digital resource, available on the Boom Learning platform. These are great for your fast finishers and those who need a little something extra!

October Resources: Here are several resources, including a few freebies, to help your students learn with seasonal fun! (Fire Safety Week, autumn, football, and Halloween!)

Here's a little something to maintain positive communication with families: October Parent Communication Brochure

October Resources: Here are several resources, including a few freebies, to help your students learn with seasonal fun! (Fire Safety Week, autumn, football, and Halloween!)
In an attempt to "fit in" more Science and Social Studies concepts, I've looked over my grade-level College and Career Ready Science and Social Studies Standards and found ways to squeeze these concepts into my day. Most of the work is done; all you have to do is print and go! I even have an S.T.E.M. activity with an October theme! Check out this resource here: Science and Social Studies Activities for October. 
October Resources: Here are several resources, including a few freebies, to help your students learn with seasonal fun! (Fire Safety Week, autumn, football, and Halloween!)

This Bats resource is a sample of the above collection. Check out this fun resource here: Bats Informational Mini-Book

October Resources: Here are several resources, including a few freebies, to help your students learn with seasonal fun! (Fire Safety Week, autumn, football, and Halloween!)

Here's a dollar deal to get the kiddos thinking about Fire Safety: Fire Safety What-If task cards.

October Resources: Here are several resources, to help your students learn with seasonal fun! (Fire Safety Week, autumn, football, and Halloween!)

It's fall in New England! There are so many beautiful changes here that make it one of my favorite seasons:  warm days, crisp nights, football, and the beautiful fall colors on the trees.  To make your life (and mine) easier, I've combined important concepts with fall ideas in these Fall No Prep Activities!
October Resources: Here are several resources, including a few freebies, to help your students learn with seasonal fun! (Fire Safety Week, autumn, football, and Halloween!)

One of the best parts about Fall in New England?  Football! I've got plenty of Football Resources! Just click the images for each link!
October Resources: Here are several resources, including a few freebies, to help your students learn with seasonal fun! (Fire Safety Week, autumn, football, and Halloween!)

Here's a sample from the set above: 
October Resources: Here are several resources, including a few freebies, to help your students learn with seasonal fun! (Fire Safety Week, autumn, football, and Halloween!)

Students LOVE these football-themed BINGO games!

October Resources: Here are several resources, including a few freebies, to help your students learn with seasonal fun! (Fire Safety Week, autumn, football, and Halloween!)

October Resources: Here are several resources, including a few freebies, to help your students learn with seasonal fun! (Fire Safety Week, autumn, football, and Halloween!)

Here's a collection of several football-themed games!

October Resources: Here are several resources, including a few freebies, to help your students learn with seasonal fun! (Fire Safety Week, autumn, football, and Halloween!)

Here's a fun football-themed math problem-solving activity on Boom Learning!
October Resources: Here are several resources, including a few freebies, to help your students learn with seasonal fun! (Fire Safety Week, autumn, football, and Halloween!)

This October bundle is marked down for you, with plenty of fun learning activities!

October Resources: Here are several resources, including a few freebies, to help your students learn with seasonal fun! (Fire Safety Week, autumn, football, and Halloween!)

Enjoy these October Resources!

October Resources: Here are several resources, including a few freebies, to help your students learn with seasonal fun! (Fire Safety Week, autumn, football, and Halloween!)

What Does a Non-Athletic Girl Learn From a Football Coach?

It hardly seems there is much of anything that a non-sports type like me might learn from a football coach, but I'm living proof that a football coach can teach plenty that has nothing to do with the gridiron.

What does a non-athletic girl learn from a football coach? There are several things a person can learn from a football coach! Read on!

I've been thinking a lot about my dad today. He would be 97 today if he were still alive.

My dad was a football coach. I never had much luck with sports, although I was expected to participate back then. (It was very frustrating since I was downright awful!) 

However, I learned a whole lot about life from my dad! So did his players!

What does a non-athletic girl learn from a football coach? There are several things a person can learn from a football coach! Read on!

Optimism! My dad taught his players to believe in successful outcomes. "I can, and I will!"

What does a non-athletic girl learn from a football coach? There are several things a person can learn from a football coach! Read on!

Empathy! My father taught his players to show empathy for the losing team and, on rare occasions, the winning team. (Our team rarely lost!)

What does a non-athletic girl learn from a football coach? There are several things a person can learn from a football coach! Read on!

Creativity! Although football players learn drills and plays, there are plenty of times on the field they need to think for themselves and create their own path. 

What does a non-athletic girl learn from a football coach? There are several things a person can learn from a football coach! Read on!

Grit! Playing football involves courage and strength of character. He taught them to work hard to attain their goals. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going!"

Self-Control! Football players need control and discipline to perform as a team. It takes willpower to put personal emotions and impulses aside and focus on the task at hand!

What does a non-athletic girl learn from a football coach? There are several things a person can learn from a football coach! Read on!

Resilience! No matter how often they were tackled, they got up and tried again!

Wait... those qualities—optimism, empathy, creativity, grit, self-control, and resilience—aren't important skills for all kids to learn?

Although they're not actually part of the curriculum, don't you think these are important for children to learn?

What does a non-athletic girl learn from a football coach? There are several things a person can learn from a football coach! Read on!

Thanksgiving Resources

Wow, Thanksgiving is practically upon us!  

Can you believe it? After that, Christmas, then another year! Life, please slow down?

Thanksgiving Resources - books, videos, resources, a dollar deal, and a freebie, all with a Thanksgiving theme!
Well, I want to spend the next seven school days celebrating Thanksgiving. It's a great opportunity to "throw in" a little history and enjoy the things we are grateful for!

How do I squeeze all this in? Well, I always start with loads of books. Here's a collection of books I've loved. Some are fun, and some are informational. I like to have a lot of books for each interest and each reading level so they all can enjoy them at independent reading time! (These links are affiliate links to Amazon.)

Books are always a great start. Movies are another fun way to enjoy the holidays!

Thanksgiving Resources - books, videos, resources, a dollar deal, and a freebie, all with a Thanksgiving theme!

See the above image for a link to BrainPOP Jr's free Thanksgiving video! Don't you love BrainPOP?

Here are some movies I've found on YouTube with a Thanksgiving theme. Feel free to preview them and choose what is suitable for your group!

I try to incorporate the holidays into all my subjects. This resource has loads of math and literacy activities with the Thanksgiving theme. I'll be using these all week!

Thanksgiving Resources - books, videos, resources, a dollar deal, and a freebie, all with a Thanksgiving theme!

A few Thanksgiving-themed items are in my November Science and Social Studies Printables!

Thanksgiving Resources - books, videos, resources, a dollar deal, and a freebie, all with a Thanksgiving theme!

There's an information mini-book about turkeys with fun facts, vocabulary practice, comprehension questions, and a reflection page. (My kiddos LOVED this, especially the fun facts!)
Thanksgiving Resources - books, videos, resources, a dollar deal, and a freebie, all with a Thanksgiving theme!

This resource is also available as a stand-alone resource here:

Thanksgiving Resources - books, videos, resources, a dollar deal, and a freebie, all with a Thanksgiving theme!

or as part of this bundle:

Thanksgiving Resources - books, videos, resources, a dollar deal, and a freebie, all with a Thanksgiving theme!

Plus, there's a sorting activity, where the children have to decide whether facts might have happened in 1621 or if they couldn't have happened then. Be prepared for giggles!
Thanksgiving Resources - books, videos, resources, a dollar deal, and a freebie, all with a Thanksgiving theme!

Here's a math game with a Turkey theme to practice those +9 facts. My kids LOVE this one!

Thanksgiving Resources - books, videos, resources, a dollar deal, and a freebie, all with a Thanksgiving theme!

I can't let Thanksgiving pass without mentioning football! As a kid, we always had a football game in the morning and a turkey in the afternoon. (My dad was a football coach!)

Here are links to a couple of football games my kids love!

Thanksgiving Resources - books, videos, resources, a dollar deal, and a freebie, all with a Thanksgiving theme!

Here's a favorite with my boys:  Football Past and Present Verbs! Yes, all these verbs have something to do with football!

Thanksgiving Resources - books, videos, resources, a dollar deal, and a freebie, all with a Thanksgiving theme!

 Want still more football learning? Try this bundle!

Thanksgiving Resources - books, videos, resources, a dollar deal, and a freebie, all with a Thanksgiving theme!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Resources - books, videos, resources, a dollar deal, and a freebie, all with a Thanksgiving theme!
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