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Showing posts with label developing community. Show all posts
Showing posts with label developing community. Show all posts

Seven Ways to Be the Teacher They'll Remember

I'll bet you have a teacher you remember from your own education. If you're anything like me, you want to be that teacher for your own students. Here are some suggestions!

Seven Ways to Be the Teacher They'll Remember: Remember that special teacher from your childhood? Here are some ideas to help you be that special teacher for your students!

Get to know them individually!
Seven Ways to Be the Teacher They'll Remember: Remember that special teacher from your childhood? Here are some ideas to help you be that special teacher for your students!

Each child has a special personality, special interests, and special families that love them. Getting to know all those parts to each child is no easy task. I find having a Morning Meeting sharing time helps getting to know them. I also have an end-of-the-day "High-Low" meeting (See THIS post and THIS post.) I also find that having private conversations, when possible, is also a great way to know them as individuals.

Let them get to know you!

Seven Ways to Be the Teacher They'll Remember: Remember that special teacher from your childhood? Here are some ideas to help you be that special teacher for your students!

Tell stories about yourself and your loved ones when you can fit it in. I always share at Morning Meeting as well as High-Low. I also share connections that I have with books we read and things we are learning. They particularly love when I tell about my cat!

Let them know you care!

Seven Ways to Be the Teacher They'll Remember: Remember that special teacher from your childhood? Here are some ideas to help you be that special teacher for your students!

I never miss an opportunity to let them know that I care. If someone is absent, that's my low of the day. If someone arrives late for class, I'll stop everything and let them know how glad I am to have them there. If someone is upset or hurt, I make it clear that it upsets and hurts me as well.

You may have heard it said before: they won't learn anything from you unless they know you care!

Be their biggest cheerleader!

Seven Ways to Be the Teacher They'll Remember: Remember that special teacher from your childhood? Here are some ideas to help you be that special teacher for your students!

Feedback is always important in the classroom. Most of the time, it should be positive. For some struggling students, that's not always easy, but I've found there's always something the child is doing well. Find that thing, and celebrate it! It doesn't even have to be academically related, but I'm sure there are plenty of those! Just a warning: not everyone wants to be singled out. Know these students, and be a private cheerleader for them. (Most students love getting notes celebrating their accomplishments!) This all reflects back to #1: Get to Know Each Child Individually!

Do fun things!

Seven Ways to Be the Teacher They'll Remember: Remember that special teacher from your childhood? Here are some ideas to help you be that special teacher for your students!

I'm sure you're already doing this one, along with most of the others! (Teachers who read educational blogs are always trying to make themselves better, agreed?) You probably already have a lot of tricks up your sleeve, but here are a few suggestions. 

  • Do STEM/ STEAM projects!
  • Play educational games!
  • Bring "Team Building" games into Morning Meeting. (Some ideas HERE!)
  • Include art projects and crafts!
  • Find a super fun way to present research projects!
  • Have them create puppets and put on shows!
  • Have an "Author's Night!"
  • Record and videotape educational activities! (Be careful who has access to this, of course!)
  • Do a class play!
This last suggestion is near and dear to my heart. Why? Well, not only because I enjoy performing in regional theatre myself, but also because of the excitement! Brain research tells us that memories are very much connected to emotions! (See THIS post for more information!) Whenever students come back to visit, they always mention the plays and performances we shared. Such a shared experience is also great for building teamwork and community! (Want some scripts? Try THESE, or if you want something curriculum related, try THIS!)

Keep a safe classroom!

Seven Ways to Be the Teacher They'll Remember: Remember that special teacher from your childhood? Here are some ideas to help you be that special teacher for your students!

We've all heard "Maslow's Before Blooms," and I truly believe this matters.
Seven Ways to Be the Teacher They'll Remember: Remember that special teacher from your childhood? Here are some ideas to help you be that special teacher for your students!

As classroom teachers, we probably won't be able to reach all these levels, but the very basic needs are essential before any learning is going to happen! If they don't feel healthy and safe (Physiological Needs and Safety Needs), we might as well just toss the curriculum out the window. That third level, Love and Belonging, is one we can work on as well! Again, Morning Meetings are great for building community and making each child feel like an important member of the classroom!

Be a role model

Seven Ways to Be the Teacher They'll Remember: Remember that special teacher from your childhood? Here are some ideas to help you be that special teacher for your students!

This is more of a responsibility as much as a suggestion. If the children remember you, you want that memory to be inspiring. Some suggestions:
  • Let them see you getting emotional when you read books.
  • Let them see you making mistakes, and responding appropriately.
  • Talk about something that bothered you, and what you did about it.
  • Let them see you showing kindness and respect to the other students as well as other adults in the school.
  • Write thank you cards for gifts they give.
  • Let them see you taking care of your health. Talk about the exercising you do and the healthy food you prepare.
  • Be a good listener.
  • Talk about how you stay organized.
  • Let them see you doing things you don't necessarily want to do... with a smile.
  • Be positive, even when times are tough.
  • Always say please, thank you, and all those other magic words!
  • Think out loud. Let them know the reasons for your actions.
  • Show extra respect to all the extra helpers in the building: secretaries, custodians, kitchen workers, and assistants. Let the children see that you appreciate what they do for your students.


Seven Ways to Be the Teacher They'll Remember: Remember that special teacher from your childhood? Here are some ideas to help you be that special teacher for your students!


Space Balls: Build Community and Team Building as Well as Imagination and Concentration!

Space Balls: 

It sounds like something odd, but it really is as simple as can be!
Space Balls are balls that are made up of nothing but space!

This engaging game is perfect for children of all ages, fostering teamwork, concentration, and creativity. The best part? No materials are required, so the fun can begin anytime, anywhere! Space Balls will have children working together, staying focused, and letting their creativity soar.

Space Balls is a great game for team building, but also works on focus, concentration, and imagination! It works well in morning meeting, or any time of day they need a break.

This engaging game is perfect for children of all ages, fostering teamwork, concentration, and creativity. The best part? No materials are required, so the fun can begin anytime, anywhere! Space Balls will have children working together, staying focused, and letting their creativity soar.

To start, establish what a space ball actually is: a ball made of space! Since you can't see the ball, it's important to show the size, shape, and weight of the ball by the way you hold the ball. 

This engaging game is perfect for children of all ages, fostering teamwork, concentration, and creativity. The best part? No materials are required, so the fun can begin anytime, anywhere! Space Balls will have children working together, staying focused, and letting their creativity soar.

Then, slowly pass the space ball around the circle. 
Students should watch to see that the ball maintains its size and shape. 

For many students, that's enough for the first time.

Later, or on another day, introduce a "new" space ball, and review the concept by passing the ball around the circle again. Make the new space ball somewhat different from the first one. (smaller, heavier, etc.)

When the ball completes the circle, it's a good time to break the group into groups of 2 or 3 to play catch with the space balls. (Have some fun passing out space balls to each small group! Encourage their creativity by asking what sort of ball they want, then slowly taking that ball out of your "box" for them to see!)

Another option is to toss the space ball to someone across the circle. (See photo at top.) In these cases, remind the children to show the size and shape of the ball, remembering to maintain the size and shape.

This engaging game is perfect for children of all ages, fostering teamwork, concentration, and creativity. The best part? No materials are required, so the fun can begin anytime, anywhere! Space Balls will have children working together, staying focused, and letting their creativity soar.

On another day, introduce the idea of changing the space ball. Model squishing the space into a very small ball, or stretching it into a very large ball. The space can also become quite heavy (grunting is encouraged) or it can become quite light like a balloon. The students' hands and body language should always show the size, shape, and weight of the space ball, so their partner can follow. 

This engaging game is perfect for children of all ages, fostering teamwork, concentration, and creativity. The best part? No materials are required, so the fun can begin anytime, anywhere! Space Balls will have children working together, staying focused, and letting their creativity soar.

Now it's time to let the children be creative: pass a space ball around the circle, letting children change the space ball any way they want to.  The students should be very clear in taking the space ball from the previous person, maintaining its shape, then showing the group how they are changing the space ball.

 I'll bet you (or your students) can think of more variations of "Space Balls!" 

Can you think of a way to include curriculum concepts?
Please share these variations in the comments!

You might even see them playing it at recess time!

Looking for some other team building games?  


Looking for something that can be used for socially distant or remote learning? 

This engaging game is perfect for children of all ages, fostering teamwork, concentration, and creativity. The best part? No materials are required, so the fun can begin anytime, anywhere! Space Balls will have children working together, staying focused, and letting their creativity soar.

Side note: the teacher in the photo above is my daughter playing space balls with her students at summer music camp! She has her own blog, Me vs Rent!

Paper Bag Dramatics: A Fun Activity for Team Building and Developing Community

Here's a fun activity that's easy to put together, gives the children a chance to be creative, and gives them a chance to work together. It's called Paper Bag Dramatics.

Paper Bag Dramatics: A fun activity for Team Building and Developing Community. Here's an idea that can be used just about anywhere at any time. It encourages groups to solve problems, think creatively, and work as a team.

You'll need enough paper bags for as many groups you'll have. They can work in pairs or small groups, depending on your group.

In each paper bag, you'll put a few items.These can be any items you happen to have hanging around.You can make all the bags identical, or totally different, that's up to you!

You'll need 3 or 4 items per bag.

Here are some ideas:

Paper Bag Dramatics: A fun activity for Team Building and Developing Community. Here's an idea that can be used just about anywhere at any time. It encourages groups to solve problems, think creatively, and work as a team.

If you want, you can have all the items in the bag follow a theme, possibly including areas of the curriculum!

This is the task: Create a skit that includes all the items in the bag. The group will need to write, practice, and perform the play for their classmates.

Some ideas about the process:

1. The time allowed really depends on your group. It's more likely that older groups will require more time than younger groups.

2. Make sure each group plans a beginning, middle, and especially an ending for their skit.

3. Make some ground rules before you begin: one person speaking at a time, someone to write down ideas, what to do if there is a disagreement, and, of course, using good manners.

4. Resist the urge to "help". This challenge is all about problem solving, so let them solve problems as much as they can. I can't help but remember the comments of one of my former students concerning problems in a group project: "We argued at first, then we started listening to each other, and we worked it out." It was one of those moments you really wish an administrator were there!

5. Don't forget to allow time for bows and lots of applause!

6. After all performances, debrief by having the children discuss questions such as: What did your group do well? What was tough for your group? What do you wish you had done differently? What do you want to remember next time you work with a group?

Enjoy your Paper Bag Dramatics!

If you need more ideas for team building, see here: 20  Team Building Games
Looking for a more extensive collection of team-building games? 60 Team Building Games and Activities 

Paper Bag Dramatics: A fun activity for Team Building and Developing Community. Here's an idea that can be used just about anywhere at any time. It encourages groups to solve problems, think creatively, and work as a team.

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