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Showing posts with label nouns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nouns. Show all posts

Election Day Options for Little Learners

I'm tired of watching the attack ads all over the TV, my phone ringing constantly, getting flyer after flyer in the mail, and the signs all over town. Luckily, this campaign season is almost over, thank goodness!
 Election Day Options for Little Learners: The REAL election is far too grusome to share with little ones, so here are a few alternatives that will help the kiddos learn in a way they can understand

 I also think it's important to teach the importance of the election to the little ones. But in a gentler, kinder fashion.

Election Day Options for Little Learners: The REAL election is far too grusome to share with little ones, so here are a few alternatives that will help the kiddos learn in a way they can understand

We vote for our favorite indoor recess game! See the above image or see HERE for this freebie for Election Day. It includes ballots, graphs, and suggestions for the day.

We've been working on common and proper nouns, so I've cooked up this matching game with an election theme. I find ANY special day makes learning more fun, doesn't it? This set has several options, including a board game. You can learn more about this set HERE, or by see the image.

Election Day Options for Little Learners: The REAL election is far too grusome to share with little ones, so here are a few alternatives that will help the kiddos learn in a way they can understand

Kids always need brain breaks, and squeezing in a little patriotism doesn't hurt! See the image or see HERE to download this Dollar Deal!

Election Day Options for Little Learners: The REAL election is far too grusome to share with little ones, so here are a few alternatives that will help the kiddos learn in a way they can understand

Here are a few books I've found with an election theme.

Don't forget the Patriotic Music!

How do you honor election day with your little ones?

Election Day Options for Little Learners: The REAL election is far too grusome to share with little ones, so here are a few alternatives that will help the kiddos learn in a way they can understand

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