Earth Day Resources and Deals!

I 'm a big fan of Earth Day.  I think looking out for our world is VERY important and it needs t…

Twelve Ways to Celebrate Writing

As a blogger, I know the power of the audience. It's you readers out there that make me want to blog…

A Couple of Deals for Veterans Day

Halloween is over; we have Veterans Day in less than a week!  I've rounded up a couple of fun deals to…

Almost October? Time for Some Deals!

Can it really be almost October already?  October just happens to be one of my favorite months! And it j…

Tools for Learning

I always like to start the year with lots of learning tools for my students.  I've often bought thos…

Classy Mail: Writing Friendly Letters

Ever have one of those days where you just can't come up with a writing mini-lesson, or just don't ha…