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Showing posts with label salute. Show all posts
Showing posts with label salute. Show all posts

Seven Steps to a Happy Last Day of School - Part 3: Playing Cards

Are you going crazy trying to get it all done?

This post includes suggestions for end of year review games and some fun game ideas!

If you're like me, you want to enjoy that last day with the students. I've got 7 steps I take on that last day. Today is about Step 3.

You can read about Step One here:  Read Your Favorite Book.

You can read about Step Two here: Leave Out a Few Favorite Games

Here is the third Strategy:

Keep Out a Few Decks of Playing Cards! This post includes a fun addition game resource to play with playing cards!
If you're anything like me, you have a TON of math games, but it's ok to pack those up, since there are several games that can be played with a simple deck of cards!

Here are some easy card games they can play to review important math skills:

1. Addition War (Like regular war, but with 2 cards added together.)

2. Multiplication War (Like Addition War, but with the cards multiplied together.)

3. Salute This is one of my favorite games (and the kids, too!) I learned about it HERE. You can download a freebie with directions to the addition version as well as the multiplication version on this website.

4. Twenty-One Some people know this game as Blackjack, but this is the "non-gambling" version. This game requires addition skills as well as some strategy and thinking about probability. The children absolutely love this one! You can download directions for playing the game here: Twenty-One.

This post includes suggestions for end of year review games and some fun game ideas!

5. Solitaire I know, this doesn't have a specific math skill, but it sure does strengthen their Number Sense!

I'd love it if you shared your ideas for more educational ideas for playing cards!

Keep Out a Few Decks of Playing Cards! This post includes a fun addition game resource to play with playing cards!

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