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Showing posts with label parts of a letter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parts of a letter. Show all posts

Writing Thank You Notes

When we left before our holiday vacation, we had just had our holiday party, and lots of gifts were given to the class. (Instead of giving gifts to each other, everyone brought in a gift for the whole class! We got recess games, craft materials, gluesticks, whiteboard markers, books, crayons, erasers, and more!)

Writing Thank You Notes is a lost art, but a valuable skill! This post shares the parts of a thank you note. It has resources to make your own thank you cards!

My college-aged daughter came in to help out at the party, and one of her tasks was to keep a list of who gave what present to the class.  (Just like a wedding shower!)

It's time for the thank you cards! 

I think Thank You Notes are becoming a lost art. But they are worthwhile and valued.

The parts of a Thank You note:

The Heading: since this is a note, not a letter, all that's needed is the date, not an entire return address.

The Greeting:  Dear ______,  that's it! (Don't forget the comma!)

The Body:  I was always taught that the body of a thank you note has two basic sentences. 

The first sentence is very specific:  Thank you for the _______.  The only time you're not very specific is when it's money or a gift card.  Then you just say thank you for the money. 

The second sentence tells what you are going to do with the item. 

Adding another sentence or two is okay, just friendly stuff, but those two sentences are essential to a thank you note.

The Closing:  Your friend,  Your classmate, Sincerely, or if you're writing to family... Love, (Don't forget the comma!)

The Signature:  Your name.

That's it!

Writing Thank You Notes is a lost art, but a valuable skill! This post shares the parts of a thank you note. It has resources to make your own thank you cards!

I made a few Thank You Note Cards for you to copy. Just fold the pages to make them into card form.  You can download this a sampler HERE.

For a more comprehensive set of Thank You Note Cards, see HERE:
Writing Thank You Notes is a lost art, but a valuable skill! This post shares the parts of a thank you note. It has resources to make your own thank you cards!

Enjoy writing your Thank You notes!

Writing Thank You Notes is a lost art, but a valuable skill! This post shares the parts of a thank you note. It has resources to make your own thank you cards!
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