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Showing posts with label organizing literacy centers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organizing literacy centers. Show all posts

Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards!

There are so many reasons to use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards!

Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Do you want to make teaching easier for you and fun for the students? Here are 12 ways!

In fact, here are twelve!

They can be used on any device!
Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Do you want to make teaching easier for you and fun for the students? Here are 12 ways!
Seriously, any device! Desktops, laptops, iPads, tablets, iPhones, androids, you name it! It's easy!

They're paperless! 
Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Do you want to make teaching easier for you and fun for the students? Here are 12 ways!

Unless you want to print out a report, there's no paper involved, ever! There's plenty of practice and assessments for the children, and you can even read all sorts of reports, but no paper!
Kids love them!

Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Do you want to make teaching easier for you and fun for the students? Here are 12 ways!
They really do!

Teachers love them!
Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Do you want to make teaching easier for you and fun for the students? Here are 12 ways!
What's not to love? Easy to use, plenty of feedback, the kids love them... and read on!

They can easily be assigned for homework or remote learning!
Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Do you want to make teaching easier for you and fun for the students? Here are 12 ways!
Parents do love seeing what their children are doing, don't they? It's so easy to send an assignment to the children. (It can be sent through Google Classroom and other platforms, too!)

They can be used while the teacher is with with a group!
Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Do you want to make teaching easier for you and fun for the students? Here are 12 ways!
Boom cards make great centers! They definitely keep the students engaged while the teacher is working with others!
They can be used with partners for rich conversations!
Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Do you want to make teaching easier for you and fun for the students? Here are 12 ways!
When you get a couple of kids together, they have amazing conversations! These conversations help the children understand what they're learning.

It's easy to differentiate!
Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Do you want to make teaching easier for you and fun for the students? Here are 12 ways!
It's amazingly easy to assign different levels of practice to different students. The teacher can look at the data and determine if the child is ready to move on to the next level.

It's easy to explore and download valuable data!

Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Do you want to make teaching easier for you and fun for the students? Here are 12 ways!
It's amazingly easy to find information about what the children are doing. I've been known to share this information with students, especially if they're not doing their best on their assignments. (Yes, they've been known to "click through" just to be done) Once I show them their data, we have a little conversation and I always see improvements! (Especially on those math fact fluency systems mentioned above!)

It's interactive and gives immediate feedback!
Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Do you want to make teaching easier for you and fun for the students? Here are 12 ways!

Brain research tells us that immediate feedback is essential in order for learning to happen. Each card of a Boom Learning deck tells the child immediately if they answered correctly or not. Even if they miss the answer, learning is happening. When they've finished the deck, they are rewarded with badges and "gems" depending on how successful they are. (These are very motivating!)

It's easy to use!!
Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Do you want to make teaching easier for you and fun for the students? Here are 12 ways!

Boom Cards are incredibly easy for the teachers as well as the students. See THIS POST to learn more about how to use them!
Boom Learning Digital Task Cards Are Fun and Easy to Use.

There are plenty of decks available!

These are some of the Boom Learning Decks I have... math skills...
Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Do you want to make teaching easier for you and fun for the students? Here are 12 ways!
...literacy skills... 

Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Do you want to make teaching easier for you and fun for the students? Here are 12 ways!

 ...social studies...
Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Do you want to make teaching easier for you and fun for the students? Here are 12 ways!

... science...
Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Do you want to make teaching easier for you and fun for the students? Here are 12 ways!

Boom Bundles are close to 50% off!

... and save money with bundles!
These and many other Boom Decks can be found HERE.

So Freebies and Dollar Deals for you to try!

Level 1 Boom Learning Fact Fluency Addition and Subtraction


Level 1 Boom Cards Math Fact Fluency Multiplication and Division


Weather Word, Plant Word, or Dessert?


Boom Learning Does it Float?

July General Knowledge and Trivia (I have one of these for every month, but this one is free. It's not necessary to match this trivia practice to the calendar, they can be done any time of year!)
General Knowledge Trivia for July!

There you go, twelve reasons to use Boom! Plus, a few freebies to try it now! 

So now, there's no excuse not to try Boom Learning Digital Task Cards!

Twelve Reasons to Use Boom Learning Digital Task Cards: Do you want to make teaching easier for you and fun for the students? Here are 12 ways!



Seven Steps to a Happy Last Day of School - Part 6: Meet with each child

Hopefully, you're getting report cards done and getting packed up with minimal stress, since that last day is coming soon.

even Steps to a Happy Last Day of School Part 5: Find one-on-one time with every child. This post suggests how to organize the last day, and has a literacy center organization Dollar Deal!

It's all crazy, I know, but the kids make it all worth it, and that last day should be all about them!

You can read about Step One here:  Read Your Favorite Book
You can read about Step Two here: Leave Out a Few Favorite Games.

You can read about the third strategy here: Keep Out a Few Decks of Playing Cards.

even Steps to a Happy Last Day of School Part 5: Find one-on-one time with every child. This post suggests how to organize the last day, and has a literacy center organization Dollar Deal!

I know, that's not easy when there are a whole bunch of them, and they all want attention! But there are ways to do it! 

I like to use as much routine as I can on that last day.  Although I don't do any Guided Reading groups during the last few days, I organize my day the same way.

This blog post tells how I organize my groups during Guided Reading time: Organizing Literacy Centers.

even Steps to a Happy Last Day of School Part 5: Find one-on-one time with every child. This post suggests how to organize the last day, and has a literacy center organization Dollar Deal!

Although some of the options just don't work on the last day of school, I do use my literacy center cards to help organize things. You can find those as a Dollar Deal here: Literacy Center Cards

even Steps to a Happy Last Day of School Part 5: Find one-on-one time with every child. This post suggests how to organize the last day, and has a literacy center organization Dollar Deal!

I might set up a few stations to go with the things I've kept out for the kiddos: (The Dollar Deal doesn't have cards for all these, but you can use the blank cards.)

  • Independent Reading 
  • Whiteboards
  • Games
  • Playing Cards
  • Work With Teacher

At the independent reading station, they can read any picture books I've kept out, or memory books. (See Step 5.)

At the Whiteboards station, they can play hangman or dictate sentences to one another. (See Step 4.)

At the games station, they can play the games I've left out. (See Step 2.)

At the Playing Cards station, they can play Salute, or Twenty-One. (See Step 3.)

What happens at the Work with Teacher Station? This is where you can give them individualized time! I've been known to play Apples to Apples with the children and laugh a lot. It's a great way to spend our last day together!

Another option? Have no "Work With Teacher" station, and circulate throughout the classroom meeting with the children one at a time. I always make sure I ask questions about summer plans and make sure they know I'll be thinking about them!

This is your last crack at them... make it count!

even Steps to a Happy Last Day of School Part 5: Find one-on-one time with every child. This post suggests how to organize the last day, and has a literacy center organization Dollar Deal!

Organizing Literacy Centers

I work with 2 of my 3 reading groups daily. What do I do with my other students?

How do you organize your Literacy Centers? This post gives you ideas for organizing what the children do when you're teaching a group.

Many teachers use the Daily 5, and have some great ways to organize the 5 choices.

My district has some specific guidelines on how we spend our reading time, but we can be flexible within those guidelines.

Every child must have Independent Reading daily.  That's easy! Reading groups need to meet so many times per week, with the lowest group meeting daily.

I use little cards with magnets on the back. At the beginning of the year, I teach the children the meaning of each card, and introduce them one at a time. We start with Independent Reading, then move on to the others.

Some people call these Centers, or Learning Centers. I call them Stations. I don't know why!

I have a section of my whiteboard in the front of the room that's always about literacy stations. On some days, it might look like this:

How do you organize your Literacy Centers? This post gives you ideas for organizing what the children do when you're teaching a group.

The children know that the first row of cards tells where the children go for the first station. In my classroom, instead of "Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3", I have the children's individual names on magnets. I do change my groups often, depending on the needs of my students.  

I also have one child starred per group, per day. The starred child is in charge of handing out pillows for Independent Reading.  (I try to make this time as special as possible... who doesn't love curling up with a comfy pillow and a good book?)
In the above picture, for the first station, I'm working with Group 1, while Group 2 does word work, and Group 3 has Independent Reading. After a while, I switch the groups, and I'll have 2 groups at Independent Reading while I work with the third group.

Or it might look something like this.

How do you organize your Literacy Centers? This post gives you ideas for organizing what the children do when you're teaching a group.

In the next example, I work with Group 1, while Group 2 has Independent Reading. Group 3 has their reading time at the Library. Later, I work with Group 3, while Group 2 has Independent Reading and Group 2 works at assigned computer activities.

On a day where I have to work with individuals, it might look like this, where I only teach one reading group.

How do you organize your Literacy Centers? This post gives you ideas for organizing what the children do when you're teaching a group.

For the first station, I work with Group 2 while Group 1 has Partner Reading and Group 3 has Independent Reading.  Later, I have 2 groups at Independent Reading and Group 3 has a written reading assignment. This is the time I would pull individuals for reading or writing conferences.

Here's a Dollar Deal with some of the cards I use:
Literacy Center Cards for Centers

How do you organize your Literacy Centers? This post gives you ideas for organizing what the children do when you're teaching a group.

If you like this resource, you might enjoy this full set of Guided Reading Management

How do you organize your Literacy Centers? This post gives you ideas for organizing what the children do when you're teaching a group.

How do you organize your students for reading?

How do you organize your Literacy Centers? This post gives you ideas for organizing what the children do when you're teaching a group.
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