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Showing posts with label North Pole. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North Pole. Show all posts

Elf Laws: A Social Studies Activity

I had my students do this "Elf Laws" activity, and I'm not sure who had more fun, the kids or me!

Elf Laws: A Social Studies Civics Activity- Here's a fun activity to help get your children engaged in the process of law-making and thinking about what is really important!
The first part of the activity asks the children to put the Elf Laws in order with the most important law being #1 and the least important law being #10.
Elf Laws: A Social Studies Civics Activity- Here's a fun activity to help get your children engaged in the process of law-making and thinking about what is really important!

Once I convinced them that any answer was correct as long as they could defend it, the fun started. The children worked in pairs, making their decisions and defending their decisions. I enjoyed some delightful conversations! 

Elf Laws: A Social Studies Civics Activity- Here's a fun activity to help get your children engaged in the process of law-making and thinking about what is really important!

I've developed the skill of pretending I'm working on something else while they work so I can hear those true conversations!
 I'm sure you've done it...pretend you're organizing books for tomorrow and walk by slowly. These are precious moments!
Elf Laws: A Social Studies Civics Activity- Here's a fun activity to help get your children engaged in the process of law-making and thinking about what is really important!

Well, once they got their laws in order, the real fun started: writing about why they put the laws in the order they did. Some children had a little trouble starting, but I prompted them with questions like, "Why do you think cleaning up the workshop is so important?" or " Why is tooth brushing more important than singing carols?" or " Why don't you think wearing hats is an important rule?" 

Elf Laws: A Social Studies Civics Activity- Here's a fun activity to help get your children engaged in the process of law-making and thinking about what is really important!

Their answers were priceless! 
Elf Laws: A Social Studies Civics Activity- Here's a fun activity to help get your children engaged in the process of law-making and thinking about what is really important!

Here are some examples of how they defended their Elf Rules:
  • Elves need to show respect to other elves, just like we do. 
  • It's not important to brush your teeth; that's what dentists are for!
  • Elves don't need to wear hats. They work indoors. 
  • They need to clean up the workshop. What if Santa tripped over something? We want Santa safe.
  • Of course they need to care for the reindeer. Who else is going to do it?
  • Elves work very hard making all those toys. They need to get a break after Christmas. Just like us!

Aren't kids precious?

Elf Laws: A Social Studies Civics Activity- Here's a fun activity to help get your children engaged in the process of law-making and thinking about what is really important!

This is the perfect activity for this time of year. It keeps them engaged, and it's a valuable learning experience. For more activities like this, please see Science and Social Studies Printables for December. These will get you through those last few days.

Elf Laws: A Social Studies Civics Activity- Here's a fun activity to help get your children engaged in the process of law-making and thinking about what is really important!

Elf Laws: A Social Studies Civics Activity- Here's a fun activity to help get your children engaged in the process of law-making and thinking about what is really important!

  What activities are helping you get through the last few days before the break?

Elf Laws: A Social Studies Civics Activity- Here's a fun activity to help get your children engaged in the process of law-making and thinking about what is really important!
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