It's a great time of year!
Children love pumpkins, don't they? That’s why pumpkins are a great way to make learning fun!
I often start with books. Gail Gibbons writes some of my favorite informational books for kids this age, including a fabulous book about pumpkins called The Pumpkin Book!
Here are a few more pumpkin book suggestions: (These are Amazon affiliate links, which means I get a few cents from each purchase, with no extra cost to you!)
Read-alouds are great, but it's also great when they have their own books!
Don't they just love a booklet that they can hold, read, color, and write in? This will make them happy!
This collection of activities makes learning about the life cycle of the pumpkin great fun for the students. They can make various fun crafts while sharing what they've learned about pumpkins!
I absolutely LOVE Boom Learning for a multitude of reasons, but most of all, the children love it and will want to use it over and over. Luckily, there are so many different pumpkin facts in the Boom deck that the children will need to play several times before they remember them all!