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Wondering How to Celebrate Women's History Month?

 Women's History Month is upon us! 

How do you celebrate in the classroom?

Wondering How to Celebrate Women's History Month?

I love to start with books! I read books by women and about women.  I read books about women's stereotypes, and books about women's struggles. We explore biographies about famous women.

And we talk. A lot! We talk about the women they know, and the women they've heard of. We talk about what it means to be a woman and what makes women powerful!

Claudio from Two Boys and a Dad has many suggestions, for books about women in this post:  Inspiring Women Children's Books

The fight for the civil rights of women is an important part of American history.  I want my students to know about these inspiring, amazing and heroic women (and men) who made that possible.  I use various children's literature books during my read aloud to introduce heroes such as Susan B. Anthony, Amelia Bloomer, and more! Check out my blog post for the book titles and how I used them with my third graders.  #twoboysandadad #childrensliterature #commoncoreliterature #socialstudies

 Brenda from Enjoy Teaching has a great post with great strategies to help empower our girls: Three Ways to Empower Girls in the Classroom

Michelle from Teaching Ideas for Those Who Love Teaching has some delightful ideas for celebrating women, including book ideas and integrating history with this post:  Celebrating Women's Accomplishments

 Womens history month

Here is one of my own posts, with several book ideas, and inspirational quotes by several famous women.

Explore this image for a link to this post.

 Here's another one of my posts, reminding teachers (and students) that we are all unique individuals, and that needs to be celebrated: Diversity Matters! Celebrate Our Differences!

Explore this image for a link to this popular post.

Here's a fun resource to help celebrate Women's History Month:

Explore this image for a link to this inspirational resource!

How do you celebrate Women's History Month?

Wondering How to Celebrate Women's History Month? This post has several ideas, resources, activities, and links to amazing ideas on celebrating women and empowering girls!

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