Count to 1,000 Booklet

Some of my students have been struggling with counting once they get over 100. 

I decided to give them a hand and have them make some booklets where they can count to 1,000 with little help. 

Count to 1,000 Freebie Booklet. Download this freebie and watch your students develop a deeper understanding of our number system up to 1,000, and have fun as well!

The kids started working on their booklets on Friday and they were totally into it!  You couldn't hear a peep in the whole room!
Count to 1,000 Freebie Booklet. Download this freebie and watch your students develop a deeper understanding of our number system up to 1,000, and have fun as well!

To make this booklet, click the image above or click here: Count to 1,000 booklet.

I have a few games and activities I play with the children with these booklets. 
  • First, I have them trace the numbers, each hundred in a different color. 
  • Then, we play "find the number". With a small group, I'll name a 3-digit number and have a race to see who can find that number the quickest.  (I'll give a token to the first few to find that number.)
  • Then I'll let individuals call out 3-digit numbers for classmates to find in the booklets.
  • Then we call out numbers for them to name the number before or after.
  • I'll bet you can think of other ways to get the children to search their "Count to 1,000" booklets to help them get to know Number sense!

Feel free to find more differentiation options by exploring the image below or see here: Count to 1,000 booklet.

Count to 1,000 Freebie Booklet. Download this freebie and watch your students develop a deeper understanding of our number system up to 1,000, and have fun as well!

This resource gives the option of making booklets with the numbers already there, having the children fill in most of the numbers, or having the children write ALL the numbers.  I had my second graders fill in the numbers, one page at a time. The first hundred were easy for them, but when they got to the second hundred, many of the children needed assistance.  Going through this process will really help the little ones understand our number system and its patterns, and help them develop their number sense!
Count to 1,000 Freebie Booklet. Download this freebie and watch your students develop a deeper understanding of our number system up to 1,000, and have fun as well!

Count to 1,000 Booklet
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