Camping in the Classroom!

It's been another fun week in second grade!  This week was Camping Week (see THIS blog post), and boy oh boy, did we have fun!
Camping in the Classroom! We celebrated our learning all week with a camping theme. See what we did!

The children read loads of camping books, listened to nature sounds,

played learning games,

Camping in the Classroom! We celebrated our learning all week with a camping theme. See what we did!

did loads of writing, played "camping math" scoot, and had a wonderful week!

I'm so glad I did camping week!  Here are some pictures:

1.  I brought in the little pink tent my daughter had when she was little.  It became a great place for reading books about camping!
Camping in the Classroom! We celebrated our learning all week with a camping theme. See what we did!

Camping in the Classroom! We celebrated our learning all week with a camping theme. See what we did!

2.  I brought in my little travel camping table. The kids used it for reading as well as playing games!  

Camping in the Classroom! We celebrated our learning all week with a camping theme. See what we did!

Camping in the Classroom! We celebrated our learning all week with a camping theme. See what we did!

3.  So many kids brought in sleeping bags, it looked like a big pajama party!

Camping in the Classroom! We celebrated our learning all week with a camping theme. See what we did!

4.  After Friday afternoon's special, there was a little treat waiting for the children.

Camping in the Classroom! We celebrated our learning all week with a camping theme. See what we did!

Camping in the Classroom! We celebrated our learning all week with a camping theme. See what we did!

5.  Yes, that's my REAL camping tent in the classroom. We found out we could squeeze the whole class in my tent!

Camping in the Classroom! We celebrated our learning all week with a camping theme. See what we did!
Camping in the Classroom! We celebrated our learning all week with a camping theme. See what we did!

The s'mores and the tent made their day! And, honestly, the smiles on their faces made my day!
It was a great week!

It also inspired me to make a new resource, based on most of the activities we enjoyed this week.  
Camping in the Classroom! We celebrated our learning all week with a camping theme. See what we did!

Somehow I have to make it through 8 more school days and one more teacher workshop day.  After a week at the beach and a week camping, next week's theme will be "fun at home".  

We'll be spending most of the week remembering all the fun stuff we did this year and planning fun stuff to do this summer.  

What do you do during those challenging last few weeks when the kids struggle to pay attention to anything?

Camping in the Classroom! We celebrated our learning all week with a camping theme. See what we did!

Camping in the Classroom!
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