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Beach Week!

Kids love themes, and what is a better theme for the classroom than going to the beach?
Beach Week! Kids love a fun theme. It's motivating for them and holds their interest. Here are some ideas for spending a week at the "beach!"

No, we're not going to the ocean, I'm just trying to think of fun ways to get them working and learning these last few weeks.  

Here's what we're going to do during Beach Week:

1. Literature! First of all, there will be plenty of literature!  Here are some books I've found with a seashore or beach theme: (Click the title for an affiliate link to Amazon to find more about the book!)

I have a feeling I'll find more great books as I go through my classroom library as well as my school library.  I like to read several examples of fiction as well as nonfiction to give the children a real feel for what we're studying. 

2. Music and Sounds! Next, to set the mood:

Here is a Youtube video of ocean waves and sounds: very peaceful! Great background sounds!

Or try this one! I'll be playing this one when they're painting or creating!

2. Writing! After all this seashore learning, We're going to have to do some writing!  I made up some paper with a seashore theme (see image at top of page!)  For this freebie, click HERE.
Beach Week! Kids love a fun theme. It's motivating for them and holds their interest. Here are some ideas for spending a week at the "beach!"

4. Beach Towels! Of course, I really have to get the kids into the feel of the ocean. I'll be inviting them to bring beach towels next week. My plan is to let them take out their towels during Independent Reading time. I'll play my ocean sound CD, and they can pretend to do my very favorite summer activity... reading at the beach!

5. Beach Themed Centers!  Here's my Seashore Learning Collection Literacy and Math Centers: click the image for the link!
Beach Week! Kids love a fun theme. It's motivating for them and holds their interest. Here are some ideas for spending a week at the "beach!"

  Want a little more ocean fun? Here's some Science and Social Studies activities, many of which focus on water! Science and Social Studies Activities for Summer

Beach Week! Kids love a fun theme. It's motivating for them and holds their interest. Here are some ideas for spending a week at the "beach!"

What ideas do you have for Seashore Week?  I'd love to hear your ideas!

Beach Week! Kids love a fun theme. It's motivating for them and holds their interest. Here are some ideas for spending a week at the "beach!"


  1. Well I haven't got any ideas for your seashore week, except maybe you could make a virtual trip to the Great Barrier Reef. We've got some great beaches in Australia and the Reef is an awesome place.

    I was more attracted by the fact that someone else also has 19 school days left! I teach 4th grade and all year this year I've felt like I've been playing catch up. We've had a bit of fun doing Map Skills, Biomes, Inventions, and Body Systems and now we're finishing the year off with Ancient Egypt. I've been lucky enough to find a couple of neat "Egyptian" songs for the two 4th grade classes to do for our end of year concert, and we've got some good resource.

    Have fun at the beach, and we'll have fun discovering Ancient Egypt and pyramids and mummies!

  2. Thanks for linking up your freebie at TBA this week. I'm having a Great, Big Pout-Pout Fish Giveaway and I would love for you to enter!
    Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas!
    Fern Smith's Pinterest Boards!

  3. Well I have not got any concepts for your beach 7 days, except maybe you could make a exclusive journey to the Excellent Hurdle Offshore. We've got some terrific seashores in Sydney and the Offshore is an amazing place.
    Richmond Aberdeen 306


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