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Acts of Kindness Holiday Countdown

Ever notice that wonderful feeling that comes from doing something for others? 

I suspect you know it well, 
since that's what teaching is all about!

Acts of Kindness Countdown:Here is a freebie and directions on making a different kind of countdown for the holidays!

I decided to do a more special countdown to Christmas instead of just a "countdown to Christmas."

Acts of Kindness Countdown:Here is a freebie and directions on making a different kind of countdown for the holidays!

I made this Acts of Kindness Holiday Countdown Set, a paper chain countdown with a twist—each link of the chain is an act of kindness to be done by the child each day between now and Christmas!

Acts of Kindness Countdown:Here is a freebie and directions on making a different kind of countdown for the holidays!
First, the children will choose a "topper". There's a star, a tree, and a Christmas Bear. The topper is mounted on a piece of construction paper or tagboard, and a slit is cut near the bottom to hold the first link. I think this guy will need some glitter and a big red bow at the top to tie him to a special countdown spot! (You could also design your own toppers!)

Acts of Kindness Countdown:Here is a freebie and directions on making a different kind of countdown for the holidays!
The "How Many Days" poem goes on the back. I think this needs glitter, too!

Next, the children can put the individual strips into a chain, putting just the right amount so that one can be removed daily until Christmas. These can be printed on colored paper or simply on white paper, and the children can decorate each link on the chain. (With glitter?) (Again, you or your students can make up their own acts of kindness as well!)

Letting the children figure out how many links to put on is a fun challenge. Ensure you know the correct amount, but it's interesting to see their strategies!

As another act of kindness, I always apologize ahead of time to the custodians when I plan to use glitter. Plus, I've trained my students to use the dustpan to make the custodian's job easier!
Acts of Kindness Countdown:Here is a freebie and directions on making a different kind of countdown for the holidays!
Acts of Kindness Countdown:Here is a freebie and directions on making a different kind of countdown for the holidays! 
I have to admit, I'm excited about this resource and can't wait to put them together with the kids!

How can you encourage kindness this time of year?

Acts of Kindness Countdown:Here is a freebie and directions on making a different kind of countdown for the holidays!


  1. I love this idea Sally!!! So meaningful!

    Thanks for linking up :)

    The Hands-On Teacher in First!

  2. Where can I get your Acts of Kindness Holiday Countdown cards from? I would love to do this with my children next year.



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