We have 21 school days left. I'm trying not to get stressed out about all the work I have to complete in 21 days. I much prefer to spend the 21 days enjoying my days with my students.
But then again.... these kids are "cooked". They've taken in as much information as they can, and they're starting to get really cranky. These little angels who have worked hard all year are struggling!
I need to complete the next couple of weeks of our reading program, then the unit test, and then the end-of-the-year test!

Here's what I really want to happen in the next couple of weeks: I want to read all my very favorite books and leave the kids with a desire to read this summer!
I also want to finish the curriculum and all the tests, I want to make the end-of-the-year memory books. I want the children to have pleasant memories of their second-grade year.
I want to be ready for my summer vacation!
But we do have to get through the next 21 days. Somehow!
So, here are some things I plan to do:
1. Play a lot of music- I do like a variety... soft music for concentration, lively music to get them moving, rowdy music to burn off steam...
2. Bring them outside- Work in opportunities to bring the children outside wherever I can.
3. Loving books- Celebrate books in every way possible!
4. Make 'em laugh- Find plenty of opportunities for laughter. Laughter is good, and healing as well!
5. Fun- Work plenty of games and fun learning into the day.
6. Move- Get them out of their seats whenever I can. Get their blood moving to bring oxygen to their brains.
7. Shake it up- Rearrange things... move desks, change the schedule, do something completely different.
8. Pair them up for projects- Being social increases learning and productivity. Plus, it's fun!
9. Have a contest- Get their pulses moving!
10.Visuals- Find some good educational videos.
These are all things the brain needs for learning. I try to do this stuff anyway. I suspect they need it even more than usual this time of year. It's a hard time of year for all of us, but it's even harder on the kids.
Summer vacation, here we come!