Ten Favorite Picture Books I Love to Read to My Students

Here is a list of children's books I love to read. This is just a small portion of my favorites, but they're so much fun! Each title is an affiliate link to Amazon.

Ten Favorite Picture Books I Love to Read to My Students: Here are 10 of my favorites. How many do you know? What are your favorites?

1. Tops and Bottoms by Janet Stevens

I love reading this book in the spring when we're working on our plant unit. Even though it's fiction, it gives the children some information on which vegetables grow above ground, and which vegetables grow below ground. Plus, I've always found some great predicting skills happening as the bear and the rabbit continue their "deals". 

2.  Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes

I always read this book at the beginning of the school year. So many of the kids can connect to the little girl who wants to be good, but can't. I think it shows them it's OK to make a mistake.

3.  Memoirs of a Goldfish by Devin Scillian

If you haven't seen this yet, it's adorable! Buy a copy or two, your students will love it! This book motivates children to write from different points of view!

4.  Millions of Cats by Wanda Gag

This was the book I wanted read to me over and over when I was a child. I think I loved the repetition. My students still chant along with me when I read it.

5. Jubal's Wish by Don and Audrey Wood

This is a heartwarming book about a frog with a selfless wish for his friends to be happy. His wish doesn't come true at first, but don't worry, there's a happy ending!

6.  Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch by Eileen Spinelli

This book is adorable (and perfect for Valentine's Day!) Poor Mr. Hatch lives a lonely life until he thinks someone loves him. Then his whole personality changes.

7.  Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina

Yes, this is another book with a repetive phrase. It's also one where the whole class not only chants along, but physically becomes part of the story. A book with monkeys... gotta love it!

8.  The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch

Robert Munsch really knows what makes kids laugh. I love all his books, but this is my favorite. It's not a typical fairy tale. It's about a smart princess!

9.  For the Love of Autumn by Patricia Polacco

This book will warm your heart. Autumn is an adorable kitten of a young schoolteacher. Very, very sweet.

10.  Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss

Seriously, this isn't just for kids. I gave this to my daughter when she graduated from high school. But the kids love it, too!

I'd love to hear about your favorite picture books!

Ten Favorite Picture Books I Love to Read to My Students: Here are 10 of my favorites. How many do you know? What are your favorites?


  1. This is a great list of solid books. I need to think what are my favs. Give me a day or two to think of them.

    1. Thanks! It's tough to decide on just ten!

  2. Love Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse! This is a great list of books. I would also add the pop-up book The Wide-Mouthed Frog.
    Conversations in Literacy

    1. Thanks, Lori, I'll look for The Wide-Mouthed Frog!

  3. I LOVE Tiki, Tiki, Tembo it is great for building fluency because the kids want to read it OVER and OVER again after they hear you read it. My FAVORITE read aloud books are Horton Hatches the Egg, Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon and any Skippyjon Jones book. My kids LOVE to clap during Skippyjon's songs!

    Second Grade Math Maniac

    1. I love the Skippyjon Jones books! They are a favorite with the kids!


  4. OK, I just found Memoirs of a Goldfish and I totally agree that your readers should check it out!

    Four of my all-time favorite read alouds are Bird Child by Nan Forler, One by Kathryn Otoshi, Ruthie and the Not So Teeny, Tiny Lie by Laura Rankin, and Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun by Maria Dismondy.

    Thanks for a great list.


    1. Barbara,
      I will definitely look for those!


  5. Just found your blog through the linky party and I'm your newest follower! I love all Eve Bunting and Patricia Pollaco books. So many great reading and writing lessons!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  6. I love Dr. Suess and you can't go wrong with Oh the Places You'll Go! I've seen a few people mention Memoirs of Goldfish - I'll have to check it out!
